Fan Fucking Tastic

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Jimin's P.O.V.

Taehyung and I were walking through the hallway in the morning together, just talking about homecoming coming up.

"Well there's this really cute new freshman who joined the cheer team a couple days ago. They transferred here last week. They actually skipped a grade because they were way ahead. So he's a year younger than us.. I think I might ask him." I said happily. "Him?!" Taehyung turned to me, eyes wide. I just nodded. "Um... excuse me, you are toooootally breaking best friend code." He said, stopping when we got to his locker. "You didn't fucking tell me you were gay too." He said, looking at me in awe. "Yeah... because I'm not." I said, rolling my eyes. "I don't know what I am, Tae. And to be honest, focusing on it stresses me out. I know I'm attracted to him. I don't need to label myself to like a guy. I understand why people do. It's just... not for me." I explained. He nodded slowly. "I can appreciate that." He said, putting books into his bag and then continuing to walk with me.

"So who are you gonna ask, Mr. QB" I said teasingly, poking his arm. He just shrugged and continued walking. I pouted and tugged on his arm. "Oh come on Taehyungie... there has to be someone you've got your eye on! With your looks you could get them in a second. It's our first real highschool dance. Don't you wanna find someone to go with? I would just go with you but.. you can just blame Jungkook for being so god damn hot for that one." I chuckled a bit. He just sighed. "I don't know. It's not that big of a deal." He said. But it is... and he's going to regret it in the future if he doesn't go or is alone while he's there.

Then I had a perfect idea. "How about you ask Yoongi hyung to go?" I said cheerfully. Taehyung flustered at that, tripping over his own words about how it's weird and Yoongi probably already has someone to cow with already and every other excuse you could think of. "Not as as date, silly. Just as like... 'we're both lonely and won't put ourselves out there whatsoever so let's just go together' kinda thing." He stopped and glared at me. "I mean it's true! What's going to happen when we go to college and you don't have me around huh? You're going going to rot in your own loneliness. The only reason you made it through summer was cause of Hyung. You'll wind up as some kind of old massagist cat lady!" I exclaimed, letting him know the true reality of what his actions would become. "Shut the fuck up, Jimin." He said firmly and continued walking. "And it's masochist." he then whispered. I just rolled my eyes.

Then almost as if it were on cue, Yoongi showed up. "Oh! Hyung!" I said, rushing over to him and dragging Tae behind me. He was over by Namjoon's locker, probably having a conversation- no. A debate, rather, about what rappers were going to be the next big thing. Yoongi turned to me and greeted me and Tae, Namjoon doing the same. "I have a favor to ask, Hyung." I said with a big smile. Taehyung's face lit up in realization. "JIMI- MPH" I reached up and yanked his hair so he was down to my height, putting him in a headlock and covering his mouth. Namjoon looked a bit concerned, Yoongi just deciding not to question it. "Taehyung doesn't have a date to homecoming and refuses to ask anyone. Will you please drag him out and just show him a good time. Maybe then he'll finally go to things willingly instead of being a complete Karen and always staying home." I finished, sighing in frustration of why my friend won't just let himself have fun with things that don't always include me.

"Yeah, of course." Yoongi said with a smile and ruffled Tae's hair. I let him go and he gasped for air, finally catching his breath. "Yoongi- you really don't have to! I'm sure you probably already have someone to go with. I'll be fine." Taehyung said frantically. I threw up my arms and sighed. "After all my efforts!" I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. "I'm going to go flirt with Jungkook now. I give up."


Taehyung's P.O.V.

I flopped onto my bed, still not believing this was actually happening. Even though I tried desperately to get the point across that there really was no reason for him to go with me, he persisted anyway. He knew me too well. He said that he wants me to go and have a good time. He knew I wouldn't go if someone wasn't pushing me and even if I did, I'd probably leave if there wasn't anyone to hang out with. I hated how he was always right.

All of a sudden, a buzz from my phone interrupted my thoughts.
Text from Hyung🥰
Ignore Answer

Hey Tae, I know hoco isn't for another week or so, but do you wanna match? I know it's not some sort of date or anything but we're going together so why not
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.. of course. Of course he wants to match. Oh god we're going to look like a couple.. fucking hell. How on earth am I going to go through a whole ass night with this? I literally won't be able to think of anything else... but who am I to say no? I mean... it'd be really cute.
Sure Hyung! Sounds great.
Alright bet. Suit shopping Saturday?
Alrightyyy I'm sleeping over Friday anyway so you don't have to come pick me up or anything
Okay. See you then Taehyungie
Great... this is just.. fan fucking tastic.

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