Make It Up To Me

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

I don't feel as anxious about going further with Yoongi as I did before. By that, I mean I only contemplate how it'll go nine or ten times a day rather than fifteen or more. I guess that's a step. Part of me is happy he brought it up so I can prepare myself, but part of me wishes he wouldn't have so I wasn't overthinking it constantly.

But since the talk we had the other day, it makes me a lot less nervous to think about. Like, I know I don't have to live up to anything besides my own expectations for myself. I've been thinking about that day a lot... we almost went there. What surprises me more than anything is that I was fine with it. The moment I'm not in my head about it and I'm able to be there, in the moment, doing it, I'm okay. It's a relief, but also kind of scary because I'm just finding this out about myself now.

Yesterday we went bowling with Namjoon. It was refreshing getting to hang out with him again and catch up. Yoongi was a lot more chill than I thought he'd be. He was a little more possessive than usual, but nothing over the top; it was understandable. But god, how did I not notice the muscles he'd gained from basketball until he was back-hugging me after getting a strike?

I decided to come out to my mom. My dad was a sergeant in the military and I was scared to death of coming out to him... but, he was coming home for a while soon, and that would mean my mom wouldn't be picking up extra shifts. If they were going to be home more, I'd rather they know than have them catch me doing anything. (In other words, being gay.)

My mom was more okay with it than I expected. She explained to me that my dad might take some time to fully accept it himself, considering I'm their only child, but he'd never make me feel bad about it. She also told me that if their only child was gay, Yoongi would probably be the best guy they'd see fit for me. That was a relief.

My mom told me she'd help with coming out to my dad, and that it'd be a good idea to have Yoongi over for dinner one night. She thought it'd make things more comfortable for everyone, especially to learn about Yoongi's plans for his future in order to ease my dad more.

There's no sense in worrying about it now, though, since it won't be happening for about a month. The thing I actually should be worried about for now is Jungkook stealing more of my hybrid flowers.

"Taeeee, you promised we'd play Smash Bros a half hour ago," called out a pouty Yoongi from the doorway. "Well, I thought I'd be done decorating by now, but someone is interrupting me," I responded, clearly annoyed. "Maybe I wouldn't be interrupting you if you weren't harassing my islanders earlier," Jungkook butt in. "It's not my fault Chevre wanted to move to my island!"

"Koo, you said you'd be done playing animal cracker by now. Can we make brownies?" In walked Jimin, hands on his hips and head tilted to the side. "First of all, babe, it's crossing. And second of all, not until I dig up more flowers," Jungkook said, focus not leaving the game on screen. Jimin huffed and began to walk downstairs. "Fine, I'll preheat the oven and start on the brownies. If you're not done before I finish, you won't get any." "Okay! I'll be done stealing Tae's flowers by then, I promise," Jungkook called out, running around my island frantically in game.

"Jeon Jungkook, I swear to GOD if you steal one more hybrid flower-" The bed dipped. I looked up from my console to see Yoongi, settling behind me, pulling me up against him in between his legs. his fingers ghosted over my thigh and he leaned in to whisper into my ear. "How about you worry about the flowers later and we have some alone time?"

Thank fucking god Jungkook was too entranced in his game to notice. "U-uh Jungkook.. I did promise Yoon we'd play Smash... Jimin's waiting for you. You should go make brownies with him, dude." My voice was wavering a bit at first, a little shaken up from Min fucking Yoongi, but I didn't think it was too noticeable.

Jungkook sat up. "You're right; I should go spend some time with him. I'll try to keep him busy downstairs," he said with a wink directed at me, grabbing his belongings and leaving Yoongi's room.

Well, shit. "So..? You gonna make it up to me, Taehyungie?" he asked, getting off the bed, shutting the door, and locking it. He locked it. Why is my head spinning? Dear god, this is actually happening.


Author's Note
Thank you all so much for all the support!!! I'm so sorry this took so long to post but i'm back on track!!! Love you all and thank you SO much for the 2K this is insane!!

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