Little Taehyungie

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

Jimin was at cheer practice a lot recently. They were putting together a new routine for the homecoming game, so the practices had been extended. As for me, I was actually off from any games or practices today so I headed over to say hi to Yoongi.

I tried to dress up a bit, wanting to look good but also not wanting to look like I was trying. When Yoongi answered the door, his hair was a bit messy, eyes tired, in only a pair of boxers and a t shirt. Normally I'd say he just got up from a nap, but when I realized his bottom lip was a bit swollen (probably from being bitten), and his breath was uneven, I realized he had just gotten off. As if his his attire wasn't enough. The gay gods are really NOT on my side today.

"Hi Taehyungie." He said with a small smile. "H-hi Hyung.." I said, a bit nervously. Normally I was never awkward around Yoongi. I was always comfortable with him. It's just knowing what happened right before I got there made my gut twist weirdly. I think I was almost kinda turned on? Being a teenage boy is fucking wack.

He did that stupid thing where he'd prop his arm up against the door frame, leaning on it. Why.. why'd he have to always do that so fucking effortlessly, but yet make it look so- "So what brings you here?" he asked, halting my thoughts and bringing me back to down to reality. I looked back up at him, opening my mouth to say something but then just taking a breath instead, not wanting to stutter again while rushing to explain myself. "I um... wanted to talk to you about something." I said, arms tense at my sides. "Yeah of course, Taehyungie. Come in." He said, tone softening as he walked into his room and I followed behind, shutting the the door after me.

I sat on his bed while he sat across from me in his desk chair. The bottle of lotion and box of tissues poorly hidden behind some school work on the desk didn't go unnoticed. I wonder what he was getting off to... maybe it was one of the new videos that website released last week. Those were reallyyyyy kinky. I don't even know if I would try that. What if it was something even worse- "So are you going to tell me?" he said, snapping me out of my own mind once again. Jesus. I need to stop with that. "Oh.. yeah, sorry." I responded, a bit embarrassed. "No need to apologize." He said, then waited for me to continue.

"Um.. so it's been about a year now." I looked down, playing with my sleeves. "I've been thinking about it a lot... and um.. I think I know but I'm still kind of unsure." I said looking back up at him. "Hyung, I think I'm gay." I said, visibly nervous for his response. He paused for a moment before a chuckle erupted from his throat. "So that's why you were being so weird and tense? Jesus Taehyungie, if I didn't know any better I would've thought you were going to say you're in love with me or some shit!" he exclaimed. My eyes widened and I just forced out a laugh "What? Hyung that's- what are you even thinking? That's literally insane! I don't know why you'd ever think that. That's literally gross." I rolled my eyes, hoping he wouldn't catch on. "Yah! I'm not that bad!" He said, rolling his chair over to me and flicking me in the head. "I wouldn't blame you for falling for such a handsome genius like me." He joked. I just looked down to hide the pinkish tint that started to cover my cheeks.

"But listen Taehyung-ah. There's no problem with liking men. I'm sure Jimin told you when he found out about me... well, that is if you didn't already get the hint from my browser history." he said with a small laugh, showing that adorable little gummy smile. It was rare to see but it was one of my favorite sights. "Does Minnie know?" he asked. "Yeah... he's actually the one who told me to come to you about it." I responded and looked back up at him. He nodded and thought for a minute.

"Well if you're looking for advice, the best thing I can tell you is that you need to accept yourself before you can ever expect others to accept you as well. If you're comfortable and confident in your own sexuality, even if others judge, it most likely won't bother you. Be proud of it. Now, I'm not going around saying I'm a panromantic gay guy, no. But at the same time I'm not hiding it." he finished. Panromantic.... well I have a new term to research now. I nodded at his words, trying to really take them in.

"So what's the thing making you question all of this? And how did you come to terms with the possibility that you could like guys in the first place? I mean, you could always be bisexual. It doesn't have to be one gender or the other." He said, resting his chin in his hand. Almost looking like he was going to examine whatever I responded carefully. "Well.. I don't like girls. I always thought when I was younger I'd just grow up and get married to a girl. But then actually um.. after seeing the porn you watched... I thought about it and realized I've never even been attracted to girls in the first place. Then I looked more into everything and found out that I am attracted to the guys in those videos. And what they do." I blushed a bit, not knowing I'd end up telling him that too. "I'm kinda into it..." I trailed off a bit.

Then realizing that this is Yoongi. He's into this kind of thing. Even if he wasn't, he'd never judge me for it. "Actually no. I'm really into it." I stated. He reached over and ruffled my hair. "Ah so my little Taehyungie is taking after Hyung, hm?" He teased. I sighed and pushed his hand out of my hair. I hated when he treated me like a kid.

"Not exactly." I responded and he tilted his head a bit in confusion. "I'd rather um... be on the receiving side of things." I said. He raised his eyebrow and nodded. "Ah okay. So you're a masochist?" He asked. I nodded in return. "Mostly a sub too... and apparently a rope bunny as well." I said, trying to remember the things the bdsm test said. He just looked at me and let out a little chuckle. "Oh Taehyungie, you have so much to learn."

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