A Fresh Start

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Jimin's P.O.V.

After a phone call with Tae, I found out that Hoseok had broken up with my brother, and all of a sudden Taehyung wasn't in the mood to go rollerskating. It made me worry about the two. As much as I wanted to trust Tae, I couldn't help but feel that there was something between him and Yoongi. Even if it was something that they've never discussed with each other.

I told Jungkook that I was going to be home for the next week or so. I told him that I'll still see him at school and during cheer, but I needed to be home for Yoongi. I wasn't going to pry because I know Yoongi, so I know how he acts when he's upset. He needed to be alone and evaluate the situation himself. Still, if I were him, just knowing that I have someone here for me to talk to and potentially rant to would make me feel much better. So, I needed to stay home for the time being.. just for moral support. Of course I'd love to have Jungkook over, but the last thing my brother needed at the time was to be around a couple.


Almost two weeks had passed, and Yoongi hadn't said a word to me about the breakup. Additionally, Tae had barely been around. He always looked upset at school and didn't seem to ever want to come over, either. When I asked him why, he said he couldn't bear to see how upset Yoongi was without being able to fix it. It made sense, but just because someone else was hurting didn't mean he had to punish himself as well.

Finally, after a month, Yoongi came into my room to ask if we could talk. He explained to me that he was going to study abroad, in America, for college instead of here. Of course, that surprised me in more bad ways than good. I felt guilty, but I wanted my brother to stay here, not halfway across the world.

When I asked him why, he told me there's simply nothing here for him anymore. Ouch. Thanks Yoongs. He proceeded to say that he talked to Mom and Dad about it, and they seemed supportive. He wanted a change, a change of everything. After so many years of not being in a relationship, he was finally in one, and then it was gone. I listened to him intently, not saying a word until he was done. I waited to avoid giving him my opinion on the situation until I knew the full story.

He sighed softly and continued, "You know me, Minnie. I don't need to depend on anyone, and I don't think I need a relationship to keep me stable, but... I do want companionship eventually. I'm not saying there's no hope for me here, it's just.. I don't put myself out there. It's my fault, I know. But I don't. I know myself, and I know that if I go somewhere here, I won't be forced to get myself out of my shell. Hoseok was the one who took an interest in me at first. He didn't understand why I was so kept to myself on the team, so he wanted to understand; to figure me out. I guess he figured out that there's not much to me. The point is, if I study abroad, it'll make me talk to people and form relationships with others. I wouldn't be able to get around in a foreign country without help. Plus, the people are more open and accepting there. I don't know if I'll ever see a reason to befriend anyone else at a college here, but even if I do, what are the odds of them being a gay guy? There's not much for me here, and I'm tired of waiting for the right person. I just want to go out and find them. We got lucky that our family accepts us, but so many people still don't accept homosexuality. I want to be somewhere where I can give myself a better chance, where it's just normal." He let out a small sigh.

I couldn't help but agree with his reasoning. "So, the main reason you're going is because there's nothing keeping you here, and you feel that you'd do better when it comes to finding a boyfriend if you're forced to find companionship in others one way or another?" I questioned, just to make sure that I was getting everything right. He nodded, looking down.

"Well I'm going to miss you... when are you moving?" I asked. "Two days." "WHAT?!" I exclaimed, looking up at him. "School's out, Jimin. It was a quick decision, yes, but if I want to get down there and find a good college to go to before the semester starts, I have to do it quickly. Mom and Dad thought that if I was sure, there'd be no problem with it. They said that once I found a place, other than a hotel, that was comfortable enough to live in, they'd start shipping more of my things to me. I didn't tell you because it was only finalized yesterday," he explained.

I couldn't even look him in the eye. I couldn't believe that he'd be gone just like that. I barely even got to hang out with him that month due to what happened. "Don't be sad, Minnie... as soon as I'm settled, you can come and visit! You and Tae," he said, trying to lighten the mood. Tae. Fuck.


Taehyung's P.O.V.

When I found out about the news, that Yoongi was leaving, I don't think I lasted longer than an hour without crying until the going away party that was to be held. I missed my chance. I was about to lose the only person I'd ever had feelings like that for; the only person I'd ever loved.

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To celebrate 1K reads, I'll be doing a special chapter. Please comment on this of what you all want to see of Taegi and I'll put as many of your ideas into there as I can. I can't promise it'll be in the next chapter that's published but it will come ASAP! The more comments I get for what you want to see, the sooner it'll come. I'll announce when it get's posted so follow me or keep updated with my posts.

Author's Note
WE'RE AT 1K I CAN'T EVEN THIS IS INSANE??????? Thank you all so much for loving this story:( it's literally like my baby fudnxkdn. It makes me so happy that you guys all like it so much!!

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