Anal Adventures

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Jimin's P.O.V.

I didn't even have the chance get a greeting out before Tae ran past me, inside the house, and up to my room. I sat there for a moment, slightly bewildered, then shut the door and ran up after him. When I got to my room, he was laying on the bed face down, avoiding me. "Tae... you good?" Obviously he wasn't. Taehyung groaned and mumbled something into the pillow. ".....what?" I asked, unable to understand him. He sat up and turned to me. "I tried it," he said, looking away. I kept my eyes on him, still confused. "Tried.. what?" I asked. "T-the stuff." His face turned a deep red. "The stuff Hyung likes..." he said, voice small in embarrassment.

My eyes widened tremendously, but I shut myself up before I could react. I needed to think about this. I don't exactly know what stuff Taehyung has tried, and he's coming to me about, willing to be open. If I make a fuss about it now, he'll get tense and not want to open up because he'd feel judged. I'm not exactly sure that I want to hear about it, to be honest, but he must need to get it off his chest. If he feels like he can't tell his own best friend about it, he may feel like he can't tell anyone.

My mouth was wide open, ready to say something. Instead, I took a deep breath and spoke softly. "What did you try Tae..? The um... the masoch-" "NO! No you idiot! I don't want to hurt myself!" he exclaimed, almost like he was offended. "I tried uh.. the butt stuff." Well, that was a first for us. "Oh..? And did you um.. did you like it?" I asked, unsure of where else to go with the conversation at hand. "Well, I mean.. it was really weird at first and kinda hurt.. but then, like, a certain pat of it felt good, I guess. Then again, I only used two fingers. It's hard to explain... I had to look up every step, though. I didn't know lube was meant for more things than just jerking off," he said amusedly. "Well I mean, it's not wet down there," I laughed out, trying to make the conversation lighter. He laughed too.

We decided to dismiss the topic, and after a couple hours of video games, ended up in the treehouse. I was honestly still curious. I didn't want to pry at Tae, but I couldn't help wanting to know more about it. "So, why'd you decide to do it?" I asked. He paused for a moment. "Yoongi hyung is pretty close to us. I think we like a lot of the same things... so I thought I'd give it a try." I nodded in response, understanding. "I looked more into that masochist and sadist stuff too. It's not actually that bad... apparently, if you're in the right state of mind for it, it could be very beneficial and stress relieving," he continued. I still didn't get it completely... and don't plan on looking into it. But, if he wanted to tell me more down the line, I wouldn't be opposed to listening.

"So, do you want to do that to yourself?" I asked a bit hesitantly. "Not really.. but maybe sometime in the future I wouldn't be against trying it with someone," he explained. "And how about the butt stuff... does it mean you uh.. like guys now?" I asked, knowing what I wanted to say, but not knowing how to execute it without sounding too blunt. "Well first of all, it's actually called anal. And, I don't know... I've never thought about it. To be honest, I've never been into girls, but I've never thought about guys in that way. It's always been like a default thought that I'm just going to grow up and eventually marry a woman. I've never looked at it differently, but I've never really been attracted to girls like all the other guys our age have been. At the same time though, I could never see myself being attracted to any of the dudes in our grade. They're all pretty gross besides you, and no offense, but I'd never be attracted to you." I bursted out laughing at that. "None taken!" I said, thankfully. He giggled, rolling his eyes.

After calming down, I responded to him. "That makes sense. I've never really looked at it like that. Maybe next year, though, you'll find guys attractive... highschool is supposed to be different. There will be many more people, of more mature ages too. To be honest, now that you know you're interested, I would just keep an open mind about all of it." Taehyung agreed with my advice. "That's what I plan on doing," he responded.

"You know... I'm really no help when it comes to all that stuff, but if you wanted to talk to Yoongi hyung... I'm sure he wouldn't mind at all, Tae. Maybe the masochist and sadist stuff would be a bit awkward but.. I know he'd be more than happy to help you come to terms with your sexuality. I did talk with him, and he said he's only into guys, but he won't tell the family until he has a boyfriend. He's probably had the same confusion that you do. He'd be the best person to turn to," I explained, knowing I couldn't help as much as my brother could. He actually has experience with it, and experience can be the best advice. "I'll keep you updated on everything," he said. "Oh, please do. I'm dying to hear about all of your anal adventures." We both laughed again as he playfully hit me on the arm and told me to knock it off.

In all honesty, I was happy for Taehyung. He was learning about a new part of himself, and I was able to be someone safe who he could turn to about these kinds of things. I'm just glad that I'll be able to walk by his side on this journey.

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