Chapter 1

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"Would you move faster?" I said to my brother

"I am not getting a speeding ticket because you forgot to set your alarm"

"Speed ticket?! You've barely reached 30!"

"Jesus woman, calm down"

"I am calm" I retorted but Brody didn't need a soothsayer to tell that I wasn't. "Just move faster, I don't want to be late on my first day" I mumbled

"Relax Ky, your classes don't start until nine" Brody said and I checked my watch

It was just 8:30 but that did nothing to calm down my nerves.

I hadn't been to a school in about six years give or take a few months and I was freaking out despite the calm façade I was wearing. My palms were sweaty and my heart was thumping faster and louder than it should.

My brother looked at me and squeezed my knee.

As we got closer to the school I started panicking, I grabbed the paper bag that I had tossed in the back seat of my brother's car when I got down from the plane and started breathing heavily into it.

"Why can't I just continue homeschooling?" I asked my brother as he drove into the school premises.

"You need the experience of the outside world" Brody said

"Yeah right experience"

He parked his black Alfa Romeo next to a red Ashton Martin

"Nice school" Brody said taking in the giant building in front of us when I didn't reply he turned to me "Look I know you're nervous -"

"Nervous? Where did you get that idea?"

Brody ignored my sarcasm "everything's gonna be fine, they're all teens like you Ky, they can't be that bad"

"That was a really lame pep talk" I said flatly, I gripped my bag tightly and opened the door of his car with a bit force making it hit the Ashton Martin next to us

Brody literally jumped out of the car to inspect the damage. He sucked in a large breath as he saw the tiny dent in his car

"God, I'm so sorry" I said "I didn't mean to - "

"Go Kyra"

"Brody I'm - "

"Just go" he said clenching and unclenching his jaw

"I'll see you in the afternoon?"

"Yeah" he breathed out

I checked my watch again and I saw that I was ten minutes early

"Well that's a good thing" I mumbled, my schedule had been sent earlier so I knew I had creative writing first but I had to go and see the secretary first to clear up something tiny details.

Finding the office was easy thanks to the really big map at the school entrance.

I knocked on the door

"Come in" a female said and I did just that. The woman sitting behind the desk was probably in her mid thirties and she had a smile plastered to her face.

"Hi um good morning"

"Good morning to you too, how may I help you"

"I'm new here, I registered online and there were some issues with the - "

"You're Svetlana Lebedov?" The woman couldn't keep the surprise out of her voice

"Yeah but most people call me Kyra" I said

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