twelve - bloodthirsty

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I walked into the water fall cave behind everyone and moved to stand by Shuri and Queen Ramonda

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I walked into the water fall cave behind everyone and moved to stand by Shuri and Queen Ramonda.

Zuri was putting paint onto T'Challa's face. I shook my head in disbelief. He's stubborn just like my dad. This will get him hurt.

Killmonger snapped off the bottom of his spearhead and flipped it around, hyping himself up. I know most of the elders don't believe he can win but he has the bloodlust in his eyes. I can see it just like I've seen it in others like Loki and Hydra agents I fought in the past. They have nothing to lose and they're only doing what they've been taught to do or what they've been forced to.

Shuri leaned over to Me and Queen Ramonda "He will never beat T'Challa. He should have just come to the first challenge and gotten it over with."

I simply looked at my feet then over to Okoye. She gave me a worried glance. She sees what I see. A possibility of a loss.

Zuri brought over the bowl of the herb that will take T'Challa's strength away. "The King will now have the strength of the Black Panther stripped away." He raised the bowl and then moved it to T'Challa's mouth.

Damn pride, it always comes to the strongest so it can make life harder.

Nakia walked in, she looked shocked and I gave her a concerned look.

I looked back at T'Challa and he was getting up, holding his spear and shield to prepare.

Nakia said something to Okoye but I didn't have my full focus on her. I just need to make sure he gets through this.

"This is your last chance, throw down your weapons and we can handle this another way." T'Challa warns killmonger but he just shoved his spears down into the stones and stared at T'Challa. "I lived my entire life waiting for this moment." He started undoing his chest piece. Is he stripping? "I trained, I lied, I killed, just to get here."

I took a breath. He's determined. Big red flag there buddy. T'Challa stared at him intensely. He took off his shirt, revealing many self inflicted scars. Looks like he was branding himself with his kill count. That's dark.

"I killed in America, Afghanistan, Iraq." He threw his shirt into the water. I took life from my own brothers and sisters right here on the continent." He motioned to this land and He grabbed his  spears and stuck them into the water. I looked at Shuri, she had no worries on her face. Really everyone here had complete confidence in T'Challa.

But I know the look of a bloodthirsty man. They're ruthless and don't play by the rules. T'Challa is the last thing that stands in his way and he will do anything to win. "And all this death, just so I can kill you." He pointed one of his spears at T'challa. I gulped, I wanted to moved my body or shake my hand or something but that would show off my anxiety over this. I can't do anything that might throw T'Challa off. He needs to watch his back carefully, he can't lower his focus even once.

Time After Time | H. Rogers ✓Where stories live. Discover now