Chapter :1

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Stars POV :

"Will you marry me ?"
My boyfriends asked me . We were on the bridge , the same bridge we meet a couple years ago .
But before I tell you more , I want to introduce myself .
My name is Star butterfly . I'm 25 years old and live in echo creek .
During my teen years I came here as a foreign exchange student from Canada . I lived with Mr and Mrs diaz who had a son , who was called Marco . Coincidentally we were in the same grade and soon enough became close friends . I trusted him with my secrets and so did he . We were like brother and sister to each other and I cared for no one more than him .
After highschool I went to college and after a couple years I finally got my degree. college is also where I meet him , Austin . We started off as friends and then slowly I started developing feelings for him . We dated for a couple years and it has lead us to this moment . Do I say yes ? Do I say no ? I'm only 25 , I'm not sure if I'm ready to get married . The pressure was on . I looked back at the crowd of random strangers , they'd all come to see this proposal and I feel like I had to say yes.
I turn back to my boyfriend , I couldn't leave him waiting any longer , I had to make a decision.
" I-I do !!!"
I answer .
The crowd behind me jumps for joy and I celebrate with my boyfriend or should I say fiancé ? He gets up and placed the ring on my finger and then we share an intimate kiss .

Marcos POV :
A couple of days before the proposal :
I've been stars friend since highschool . When she first came into my life I was a bit annoyed but soon I started become close friends with her . She is not serious at all and quite frankly immature and loves to have fun and not worry about other things . In a way she is the opposite of me . I take everything wayyyyy to seriously and I never live in the moment like she does but Star has helped me realized that not everything in life can be planned or can be fixed .
I helped her realize that she should take things a little more serious seriously . Like her school work . I'm a way I guess you can say we are the missing piece to each other and together we work really well .
After highschool , we still stayed together . We went to the same college aswell . There she meet Austin .when I first meet him he seemed like a cool guy and I had nothing againist him . He and Star soon started dating and even then I never really clicked with him . The only thing we shared in common was star and as long as she was happy with him , I'm happy. So a couple days again when david called me to asked to go to the bar with him , you could imagine my confusion because he never asked me to do these things with him . But I went anyways but I was curious what he was gonna tell me .
Later that night I arrived at the bar and I see him at a table .
" so you may be wondering why I asked you to come to the bar with me ."
" yeah I am, you normally don't do this so I figured something was up ."
" yeah... Do you think she will say yes ?"Austin said while pulling out a ring form his pocket .
I looked at him and then at the ring
" I wanted to ask you if you think Star will say yes, because I'm kinda nervous ."
" uhhhh... firstly uhhh.. congrats man I-I definitely think she will say yes."
" really ?"
" yeah man.."
" thanks so much marco ." Austin said while getting up to leave .
" uhh.. when are you gonna ask her ?" Marco said turning to the back of his chair before Austin walked way.
" I don't know yet."

Stars POV :later that night I ran over to Marcos house , I would say it was about 12 in the morning but I didn't care , I wanted him to be the first to know !!

Marcos POV :
It was around 12am in the morning and I heard Knocks on my door . I tiredly get out of my bed and slowly walk to the door . I'm tired and look like a mess all trying to figure out who was knocking on my door at this hour .

When I open my door I came face to face with Star , of course it was her . I allowed her to enter my house and we sat on the couch .
"Soooo , why are you knocking on my door at this hour ?" I question her a little bit annoyed .
"Welllllll... i wanted to ask you if you see something different about me ?" She said sticking out her hand trying to make it seem like it wasn't obvious.
" wow , Star CONGRATS !!!" I said giving Star a hug while she giggled .
" I know !!!! I'm so happy !!!"
" how did he do it ?" I questioned
" welllll, be proposed on the same bridge we meet , it was so cute ."
" do you parents know ?"
" no , not yet . I wanted you to be the first to know ." Star said with a hug smile . I smiled back feeling special .
"But yeah , I'm going over to my family tomorrow to tell them the news ."

Later that night , I was laying in bed with my fiancé.i look at the ring and sheepishly smile .
" you like it ?" He asked me .
I turn towards him , "I love it !!" I say as I give him a kiss . I was beyond happy.

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