Chapter :11

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Stars POV :
After the incident, I didn't ask Marco about it . He didn't ask me about it so I took it as a sign to just leave him alone and just try not to talk about it . I gave him his space but it was kinda difficult seeing as he was Austin's best man and so I saw him a lot . I just tried to forget about the whole thing and hope it blows away soon .

Marcos POV:
Today I got a call from my old friends , Ferguson and Alfonzo and since they were in town , I thought that a lunch would be nice . You know , just to catch up . See how they been after these years and what they've been up to .

I came to the cafe and spotted them
Immediately. But they change , so MUCH !!! But in a good way , it looked like they had a glow up . Ferguson lost a lot of weight and Alfonzo got out of his nerdy stage . To say I was surprised was an underestimate .
We greeted each other as then sat down to Order .
" first off , congrats marco !!! Your getting married !!!" Ferguson said giving Marco a hug
" wait what ?"  He asked confused
" don't act silly Marco , your getting married to Star ? You know , your future wife ?" Alfonzo spike
" no she's not my fiancé , nor my girlfriend ." Marco repiled
" she's actually getting married to her boyfriend from college." Marco spoke .
" oh... I'm so sorry dude..." Ferguson said sympathically.
" wait why ?" Marco asked confused .
"I know your upset that you didn't get your chance with your crush ."
" and you have to see her get married." Alfonzo added
"Guys , I'm not sad , if anything I'm happy for her and I never liked her anyways .she's my best friend !!!"

" why are you making that face ?" The brunette questioned . Ferguson and Alfonzo looked at each other and then back at the brunette.
" you sure you never had feelings for her ?" Alfonzo questioned
" I studied psychology for two years bro so I can tell when you like someone , even when you don't realize it ."
" that's ridiculous, I know when I like someone and I know that I don't like her in that way . Besides she's getting married and I'm dating Jackie ."

It was an sunny , bright day in echo creek . It was also the day Star and Marco were gonna move in together . Not as a couple but as friends .
They'd lived with each other previously so it wasn't something they weren't used too . They went to the same college anyways so they had to go to the same places anyways .They enjoyed being each other's roommates so why wouldn't they want to be roommates again ?
Soon the brunette started catching feelings for the blonde. It was odd but a feeling that he had gotten pretty used too over the last couple of years.
He never told her because he was always afraid that he would never see her smile again or her big beautiful blue eyes or that soft laugh of hers if he told her . He had a fear of losing her if he told her and that feeling above all his feelings for her , was worst . The boy did however try to forget about it and move on, but how could you move on when you see that person everyday ?
Everyday he told himself that she was a crush and the feelings for her would go away soon , it didn't click to him after a couple years of those feelings staying that he realized she wasn't just a crush,he was in love with her . But during that time was also the time when Star started to date Austin .
Now more than ever did Marco need to pretend to hide his feelings for her even more. She couldn't know or find out about it . So Marco stayed silent .
Shortly after star moved out of the house . The brunette thought that maybe if she wasn't around him as much , the feelings for her would go away . But they didn't . His first thought of the day was her and his last thought of her at night was at night . It also didn't help much that she was still always around . They stayed connected and that was it . Hearing about Star talking about Austin killed him because it always reminded him that he didn't take a shot and blew his chance .
Doing everything he could , he tried forgetting about Star , it wasn't healthy for him and it worked , but whatever he didn't , he never completely forgot about her . She was always somewhere in his heart .

Sorry if this chapter is short...but my time was limited this week so not much time to complete a chapter , also because I had to publish today .

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