Chapter : 15

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The long waited moment , the wedding .
Stars POV :
I was in the dressing room getting dress . My hair was done , my makeup and my dress was finished . Some of my friends were in the room along with my mom and Marie . I looked at the mirror at myself , I didn't like it . I didn't like any of it .

Marcos POV :
Jackie and I sat in our seats along with everyone else waiting . I felt nervous , this would be the first time I'd seen Star since everything had happened , but also the last aswell . In a few weeks Jackie and I are moving to Canada . For a fresh start . I don't think I can stand to see star seeing as I confessed to her and kissed her . She is moving on with her life and so should I . Going to Canada will be best for both me and Jackie and for Star .
I got a signal from one of Austin's friend to come .
I looked over at Jackie and she nodded in agreement. I followed him and saw Austin getting ready .
He was tieing his tie when he noticed me .
" heyyy best man !" He said joyfully . I helped him tie his tie .
" so how are you feeling ?" I asked him .
" nervous..." he answered.
" don't be ! It's gonna go great ."
" thanks man. I'm sure Star is happy to have a friend like you in her life." Austin repiled .
" yeah..." I said trying to seem happy even though those words nearly killed me . She probably hates me now.
Janna entered the door , cracking it open only a little bit to peep her head in .
" hey Marco , we need you in the ladies room ." She said , while made Marco blush at that thought .

He entered the brides room and his eyes were stunned by the view in front of him .
" what do you think ?" She said with a smile .
All heads turned towards Marco who tried to hide his blush.
" girls could you give me a minute with my best friend ?" She told everyone else in the room .
As they left Marco watched as all of them excited and closed the door for them .
He approached her casually , with a somewhat of a smile on his face .
" how are you feeling ?" He asked . Obviously the awkwardness was seeping in .
" I'm good . How do I look ?" She asked .
" beautiful." He answer before his eyes drifted apart from hers . She took a few step towards him .
" I'm really sorry for what happened... you can hate me for however long as you want . It was my fault-" he was expecting a slap on the face for what he did when she came closer to him . He closed his eyes expecting a slap to come at any moment but instead he felt her warm embrace .
He shot his eyes open confused ,
" it's ok marco , I'm not mad at you for expressing your feeling to me the way you did ."
" wait your not ?"
" no... I cerntainly don't hate you marco , I can't blame you for having those feelings because I had them once too for you.." she finished as she took a step back .
" you did ?...."
" I liked you back in college but you never asked me I always thought you didn't like me that way ."

For a moment he expression was completely shocked .
" but we can't be together because your getting married today and I'm, I'm moving away in a couple weeks-"
" wait you are ?!" Her eyes meet back with his , she was in total shook .
" why are you moving away ?" She asked him .
" because I feel like your moving on with your life and so should i..."
"So are you gonna come back and visit me ?" She asked , hoping for him to say yes . He shook his head .
" but can I still see you ?" She asked again . At this point her eyes were desperate.
" I'm sorry Star , it think it's the best for both of us..." he told her . Looking back at her with sorrowful eyes .
" well I guess this is for the best... we can't have feeling for each other when we each have someone else" she said avoiding eye contact and wiping a tear away .
" I guess timing was never on our side..." he told her before turning around and leaving the room .

Stars POV :
My knees collapsed on the ground and my heart gave out . I cried and cried , couping my hands on my face .

Time skip :
" ladies and gentlemen the ceremony is about to commence ." One of Justin's friends said over the loudspeaker. Austin stood at the end of the aslie waiting for his beautiful bride to walk down it .
It hurt for Marco to see her face after the talk they just had . The blonde had one specific features on her face . She didn't look happy , more sad than anything
When she finally made it to the end of the alise she gave Austin a half smile then her mouth turned back into a frown .
" today we are gathered here to celebrate the love and the union of Star butterfly and Austin jeffords . Now , do you Austin jeffored take Star butterfly to be your wife ?"
Austin looked at the priest and then back at Star with a smile .
" I do."
" now , do you Star butterfly take Austin jeffords to be your husband ?" The priest asked star .
Star looked over at Austin.
" I-I-I" she was at a loose for words . The brunette looked over at the blonde confused and worried . Austin looked at his bride desparate for her to answer.
" I-I , I'm sorry Austin I can't do this !!!" The whole crowd gasped . Star let go of his hand and ran away .
Everyone shot up from their set . Austin looked over at his running away bride .

Time skip :
Star ran into a room and locked herself in . Marie , moon and janna were all trying to talk to the bride .

Meanwhile everyone at the ceremony was confused of what had happened . Whispering and talking were the noises around the room. I'm the middle of all this marco went to go look for Star . He felt a hand touch his and turned around to see the concerned face of his girlfriend .
" Marco what just happened ?" She asked him .
" I don't know but I have to talk to Star."
" of course , you always do ."
" Jackie I'm really sorry but I have to do this , she's my best friend ." He said taking his hand away and speed walking off .

Back to Star :
" darling please open up ." Marie asked beggingly as she tired knocking on the door again .
" I don't Marie , maybe the whole reason Star doesn't wanna come out is because you gave her that judgy look when she came out in not your wedding dress pick." Janna commented , shooting a mean look at Marie .
" I'm sorry but what are you to Star ? Just a friend ? I'm here soon to be mother in law !!"
" that is if you haven't ruined this wedding enough by just being here !" Janna commented .
Neither of them had noticed the presence of Marco , except moon . She gave him a smile .
" girls , I don't think Star wants to talk to us , Marco you try ." Moon said .
,leading the two girls back to the main room .
Marco tapped the door .
" hey Star , it's me Marco . Can I come in for a sec ?" He asked .
No response .
He leaned his head next to the door to hear if she was in their .
The door opened and Star leaped out immediately holding onto Marco and hugging him , she cried into his chest . He hugged her back , ruining his hand through her hair to help her calm down . He crazed her back and patted her back .

Marco looked over to the other doorway and jakcie looked at him with sad eyes . She gave him a look of sadness and then left . Maybe she was right ? Was Marco favoring Star over her ?
He didn't have time to make it right with Jackie .
Once Star had finally calmed down she finally looked up at him .
" Marco... I think i should cancel the wedding..."

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