Chapter :9

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Marco listened attentively.
" what do you mean ?"
"Things aren't great at the moment , I thought getting engaged and planning a wedding would bring us closer together but it feels like it's drifting us apart . We're busy all the time and I'm starting to wonder if this is right..."
no other emotions could Marco feel more than shocked .
Was star doubting her decision to get married . Star felt a little bit better telling him this , he was always someone Star could count on and he was always there .
" Star , I'm sorry . I shouldn't have asked you if I knew it was that bad..." he admitted .
"No , I think the more I talk about it the better it feels because I've been keeping it in for a while now and it feels good letting it out ."
"Who knows Star , maybe things will get better . You guys love each other and I don't think something small like this will stop it ."
" you think ?" She said turning to him
" definitely..." he said smiling back at her . She looked back up at the sky and sighed
" it's getting cold , let me get my jacket ." Star said while getting up and doing to the bench . She saw picked up her jacket and underneath was Marcos phone . The phone turned on and a message popped up . Star looked back at Marco who was peacefully laying on the grass staring out at the sky .
She knew it was wrong and she knew she shouldn't do it but she did . She picked up the phone and a voice message from Jackie was the notification.
In her mind it was wrong , very wrong but it was too late now . She had already hit listen and pressed the phone against her ear to listen .

"heyyyyyyyy . Sorry if I was bothering you , I wanted to call to see if we could hang out sometime ? Well if not I guess we can still Text each other right ?... anyways , I'm sure your super busy and hopefully you get this message and when you do please text me back , i miss you..."

Then the voice message ended .
" hey Star , you coming or not ?!" He called out from the distance .
She put down and phone and picked up her jacket .
" yeah , give me one sec..." she called back .
She looked at the message once more and then put it down for good . She turned around to marco with a smile on her face that she had on before . She walked over to marco .
" what took you so long ?" He asked .
" oh I had to see if I had any messages.."
" ok , did I get any messages ?"
" no , no . None..."

Time skip :
Stars POV :
I had less than a day left without Austin. He would be coming back this evening and I was determined to get some things done for the wedding .
Today i was going to meet up with a wedding planner who I thought would really help me .
But before that I drove over to jannas house because her company was just what I needed and I hoped she could help me .
We drove off to the cafe we were going to meet up at . Entering the cafe I immediately spotted the lady , tall , brunette, looked friendly enough and had papers and planners things ready . so I knew this was the lady . She greeted me and janna ,just as I expected she was as kind as she looked . She had a hole bunch of ideas and me and janna carefully looked through all of it . Her ideas were brilliant and it only took a couple hours but I finished so much in that period of time . When janna and I left I felt somewhat happy and pleased with the progress .
" so did you plan another meeting with her or no ?"
" yeah , we're gonna meet up again next time and this time Austin is gonna come so we can try to decide a date and a venue."
" that sounds like a plan."

Marcos POV :
Jackie and I were on our second date ever and we decided to go to a nice Italian restaurant. Everything was great , the food , the music , her . Everything .
We were in the middle of our conversation when Jackie asked a question.
" so did you get my voicemail I sent you ?"
" when ?"
" I sent it two days ago ."
" ohhhh that message , yeah I got it."
Secretly I lied , what voicemail ? I never got a voicemail and even if I did I would have seen it . However I played along because I didn't want to ruin the moment we were in . But my mind was definitely not in the conversation we were in , I could not stop thinking about why i didn't receive that voicemail.

Back to Star :
Stars POV :
It was late , around the time Austin was supposed to come back . I was pacing back and forth around my living room . I was impatiently waiting for him to come back . The door opened and I spun around to come face to face with Austin .
" hey , what's up ?" He said casually .
" hi !!!" I said joyfully .
" I made dinner..." she said awkwardly.
" great , I'm starving ." He said sitting down at the table wear Star had made a dinner with candles light .
While Austin was eating then Star took the chance to tell him something .
" Soooooo... there's something I got to tell you .."
" wait , ARE YOU PREGNANT ?!" He said being excited for a moment .
" what ?! No !"
" oh..." he said disappointed.
" today I meet up with a wedding planner and she really helped brainstorm some ideas for our wedding and I really liked them and I wanted to know your thoughts.." she said handing him the ideas .
While he looked over them Star intently stared at his face looking for an emotion . Any emotion .
" I asked her if we could meet up with her again sometime so we can do some further looking into it .
" yeah , I'm down for it ."

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