Chapter :7

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Stars POV :
I got home after I left Marcos Place and Surprisingly Austin apologized, I don't know if it was the alcohol or if he really meant it but I don't care . I wasn't in no
mood and I certainly wasn't gonna start another disagreement with Austin .
A couple days later Austin had to leave for a business trip on the other side of the country. He was going to be gone for a couple of days and I figured that it would be good for both of us to cool off and it would be a great opportunity for me do some wedding planning . Even if it was without my fiancé , I though still why not ?

Marcos POV :
One my side , things couldn't be better , I'm finally with Jackie after all these years and I'm not gonna ruin this opportunity or let it go to waste . I asked her out to the movies and we decided to see a scary movie . It was sooooooo cute when she held onto my arm because she was scared , it felt so right . I smiled , feelings the luckiest id ever been .

" Marco that was an amazing movie..." Jackie said as they left the movie theater.
" really ? Cause you held my arm the entire time ."
" ugh, shut up !!!" She said jokingly with a playful shove .
They continue walking all the way until Jackie's house and then they had to say their goodbyes .
" soooo , I guess this is it . The end of the night..." Marco said awkwardly . It wasn't usual for him to walk his date to her house , and he didn't really know how to say "bye"
" I had an amazing time tonight ." Jackie said with a soft smile that made Marco blush .
" yeah , me too." He said smiling back at her .
" well , goodnight ." Jackie said as she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before quickly sprinting to the front door . However a hand pulled her back and she came face to face with Marco again . This time he took his chance and kissed her passionately. It was the first time he made a move on her and it felt so romantic . After a couple of seconds they let go .
"Wow.. that was something else..." Jackie stated.
"Yeah, but I could let you go without it ." He said with a smile .
" well.. I guess I should get going now , uhhhh , thanks again ." Jackie spoke .
When Jackie left , Marco secretly jumped for joy . He was so HAPPY .

Edits note : I know... i cringed so hard too writing this... but starco is gonna come .

Marcos POV :
After my successful date with Jackie , I drove back home .
Opening my door home , the place is as dark as the outside .
I switch on the light and there Star is sitting on my couch .
I let out a loud scream escaped my mouth because I just saw someone on my couch .

" hey marco !!!" Star says joyfully .
" Star , you fucking scared me . Why are you even in my house , wait how did you get into my house ?!"
" duh , I got a copy of your keys from janna."
" I really need to get the rest of those keys from her..."
" but ANYWAYSSSSS, that's not why I'm here ."
" yeah, why ARE you here ?" He questioned .
" you and me are gonna do some wedding planning ."
" what ?...."
" you heard me ."
"I know but aren't you supposed to do that with like your fiancé ?"
" he's out of town for the weekend and your the next best person to do this with."
" ok , fine but if I say yes will you stop breaking into my house ?"
" I can't make any promises !!!"
" yay..."
" also Marco I need a place to stay so I'm sleeping here for the night ."
" don't you have a house of your own ?"
" yeah but Austin isn't there so it gets pretty lonely and I don't want to be alone."
" fine.."
" YAY !!! Sleepovers !!!"
" nooooo , we're grown adults and that not what we're calling this."
" since when are you using that term ?"
"Since I decided that we're too old for this stuff .
" your so BORRRINNNGGG."
" I know , imma head upstairs and set up an inflatable bed."

Time skip :
It was the next day and Star and Marco had left to go do some wedding planning that star insisted on doing .
" so where are you taking us ?" Marco questioned while driving .
" just you wait and see ."

When they arrived at the place it turned out to be a wedding themed shop .
" so what are you looking for ?" Marco questioned .
" well, Austin and I haven't agreed on a theme yet or a place but I just wanted to look around and you know, see what they have ."
While they looked around the shops for possible themes for the wedding .
" so have you and Austin decided on ANYTHING at all ?"
" ughhhh, I rather not answer...."
" why ?" He asked as he moved his eyes from the glasses he was looking at to her .
"It's just.. I don't wanna talk about it.."
Marco understood that , he didn't mean to pressure her into saying what was wrong .
All of a sudden a lady popped up from behind them which made both of them jump .
" HI !!!" The lady said ecstatically .
" AHHHHH !!!" Both Star and Marco scream . Turning around quickly to her .
" oh my god you scared us ." Star commented .
" I'm sorry..."
"It's ok." Marco repiled
" I couldn't help but see this new engaged couple looking around the shop for things for their wedding, can I help in any way ?" She questioned .
" uhhh.. were not a couple nor are we engaged to each other , I have a girlfriend but she's the one engaged ." Marco said pointing towards Star .
" but no thanks , we don't need any help." Star told the lady .
And simply Star and Marco continued looking around .
"So you have a girlfriend ?" Star questioned .
" yeah..."
" since when ?!" Star said excitedly.
" since a couple days ago."
" REALLY !!! Tell me everything !!!"star said elated .
" well, she's blonde , she pretty and you know her..."
" yup !!!"
" HOW IS IT ?!"
" I'm not telling you all the details..." he smiled .

Next chapter is ALL starco so just wait 😉

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