Chapter :6

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Time skip :
Seeing how I messed up my chance with Devan I was a little bit disappointed and was starting to loose hope that I would find a date to the wedding or find love i general . So what I normally do when I'm depressed like this , I got to a diner because I was too lazy to cook my own food at home so I'll order something and get it to go .
After my order was placed their was nothing more I could be but wait . I took the opportunity to look around my surroundings and the people around me . A few tables down I saw a familiar face, short blonde hair with a blue streak in it , a skateboard next to her table, and her nose noticeable feature , her big blue eyes . It's had to be , I was certain that it was that girl I was talking about . Jackie . I didn't even know she still lived in echo creek , last I heard she moved away for college and haven't heard from her since . Wow , even after all these years , she hasn't changed . Still edgy and what I would still classify as cool .
Inside of thinking about her , I took my chance and came up to her .

" hi... Jackie ?" The brunette shyly came up to the blonde , not
Sure if she was actually the blonde he was thinking about . The blonde looked up from her phone to see her old classmate from high school .
" wait , Marco ?" She asked trying to be sure aswell.
" yeah !!! How have you been !!!" Marco said while he gave her a hug , both seeming to be happy to see each other after all these years .
"Omg , I haven't seen you in like forever !!! How have you been ?!"
" I've been great thanks and you ?"
" oh you know , the usual . I still skateboard and actually teach skateboarding to children at The park . You could say it's like my job ."
" wow that's so cool ."
"And how about you , what have you been up too ?"
" well nothing much , I got a job in management for an office . I'm hoping to soon start my own business."
" that sounds awesome , dude !!! And how has star been ?"
" she's good , actually she doing great , she's engaged to be married ."
" wow , really ?!"
" yeah didn't you get the invite ?"
" no , I guess cause everyone still thinks I've moved away ."

And their conversation went on and on . It wasn't until the late evening when the diner was about to close that they were forced to leave . Standing Outside of the now closed diner they still continued their conversation.
" so, I know you probably never knew about this but I used to have the biggest crush on you during high school ." Marco confessed .
"Wait you did ?"
" you didn't know ?!"
" HAHA , no silly , I'm kidding of course I knew , you made it super obvious !!!"
"Did I ?"
" yeah !!!! You just never noticed ."
" ugh... I'm such a dummy..."
" eh it's ok , I always found it adorable."
" wait you did ?"
" yeah man . Anyways I gotta go , my bus is gonna leave soon so catch you later ?"
" oh !! Do you want to exchange numbers ?" He asked before she could walk away , when she turned around she smiled at him .
" yeah of course !!!"

They exchanged numbers and headed their separate ways . That evening when Marco came back home he was immediately notified by a text from Jackie. He stayed up all night texting her and for the first time since Devan left him , he felt happy again .

Over text :

" sooooo , it's super late rn and I'm gotta go to bed soon but I just wanted to say , I really enjoyed talking to you🤗 . Wanna meet up tomorrow ?"

" yeah , definitely !!!! What time ?"

" some time in the evening maybe ?"

" yeah great !!!"

"See you then !!!"

" bye 🤗"

Marcos POV :
I turn over at the clock and its close to 2 in the morning . We've been talking for hours b"ut it only felt like minutes. I feel so comfortable around her yet she also makes me nervous . It's giving me feeling from back at high school . It made me feel like such a teen again . But back then I new crushes would come and go and eventually my crush on Jackie would fade but I'm feeling like these feelings are coming back...

The next day :
They meet up and decided to grabs abut to eat at brittas tacos . They are , they talked , they had a good time and everything was going fine , they took a stroll around the beach when the sun was falling . Walking around the beach while the calming waves washed over the shore gave a calming and also romantic mood to it . Marco felt it was the right time to confess c I guess the mood of everything gave him more confidence to say what he always wanted to tell her .
" soooooo Jackie... there's something I wanted to ask you..."
" what is it ?" She asked
" uhhh.. would you like to go out with me ?"
" as friends or ?"
" nonononono , as something more..." he said as he reached for her hand . She smiled and blushed .
" yeah... I would like that." She said looking back up at him .
" g-great... so where do you wanna go ?" He said nervously as he was surprised she agreed . Before he knew it he felt the soft touch of her lips on his . It was such an amazing feeling it felt as if fireworks had light up inside of him . He had been waiting for this kiss to happen since highschool and that feeling was just as great as he had always in visioned it to be .
When their lips separated , they locked eyes and smiled happily at each other .

" I-I really really like you..." Marco admitted .
" well , so do it ." She said with a smile .

End of the chapter , now I know what your thinking , isn't this supposed to be a starco book , wtf am I reading about jarco !? Well it's all gonna lead up to it , so just be patient .

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