Chapter :2

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Stars POV:
It was the next day and as I said before , I'm going with my fiancé to my parents house to tell them about the engagement. Buttttt , I want both my parents and his parents to be told at the same time so it's not like I'm favoriting my parents . Austin and I agreed on having a family barbecue and then we would tell them about the engagement.

At Austin and stars house :
Everything was perfect , we had drinks and alcohol ready , the barbecue was running and the sides were ready aswell . Soon enough stars family came and then Austin's . Everyone was having a good time chatting and talking until they all sat at the table to eat .
"Sooooo... the reason Austin and I wanted you guys to come here is because we wanted to tell you something REALLY important ."
Star announced .
" are you pregnant ?!" Austin's mom said with excitement .
" uhhh. No , sorry mom ."
Austin replied .
" what we actually want to tell you guys is that uhhh , babe you wanna say it ?"
Austin asked .
" We're ENGAGED !!!" Star said happily while holding up her hand for everyone to look at .
They all hugged and congested the couple .
" so this means we have to go wedding shopping soon , right ?" Austin's mom spoke .
" uhhhh, yeah . Definitely." Star said uncomfortablely
" ooooo, that will be so fun !!!"
Star said a little bit unsure and unhappy .

Time skip :
Star and Austin's parents left so it just left the two of them at home .
Star picked up her phone and called janna .
" hello ?"
" Hi janna !!!"
" what's up ?"
" you know how I'm engaged and stuff right ?"
" yeah.."
" and you know that both Austin and my parents know ?"
"Yeah ? You had that barbecue today , right ?"
" yeah... and Austin's mom brought up the idea that we go wedding shopping . My mom , Austin's mom and me ."
" sooooo , whats the problem ?"
" welllllll... I don't want to go with them..."
" wait why ?"
" it's nothing , I would love to go with my mom but I'm not too sure about having Austin's mom come....I just feel she doesn't have the same taste as I do. She likes different things and if she asks me to try it on , I won't know how to say no..."
"Yeah... I get it but what do you want me to do ?"
" i know this is a lot to ask....buttttt-"
" I don't like it when you do that..."
" butttttt , could you tag along with us to make it less awkward..."
" ughhhhh... fInE !!! But only on one condition, you give me your finances friends number ."
" ok-ok !!!"
So the deal was settled .
All janna had to do was help Star out when they went dress shopping , right ?

The shopping trip :
Stars POV :
I came early to the wedding dress shop everyone agreed on going to . My mom and Austin's mom came shortly after .
" so are we going to go dress shopping or what ?!" Austin's mom yelled ecstatically .
" uhhhh... wait !" Star yelled , she saw janna in the distance .
" what ?" Stars mom said .
" actually , i invited a friend aswell , it thought that way it could be even more fun !!!" Star said trying to make it seem better .
" sup ?" Janna said in her tomboy chill voice .
" mom , Marie , this is janna . She's my friend."
(Btw Austin's moms name is Marie)
" how nice to meet you.. janna..." Marie's said trying to be nice but it sounding a little unexcited .
" sooooo , are we gonna head in or not ?" Star said trying to lighten the mood.

When they entered the dress shop they were greeted but the beautiful wedding dresses they had to offer .
" hello , how may I help you ?" An employee asked Star .
"Were-" Star begin before she was cut off by Marie .
" we're looking for a ball gown dress for her ." Marie explained .
" alright , follow along." While Marie and moon followed along the employee , Star and janna slaked back .
" I see what you mean now Star ."
" I'm saying !!!! And I don't know how to say no !!! I hate ballgown dresses !!! It's so traditional and I don't want it !!! She acting like this is HER wedding !!!"
" chill Star , Ok . I know your upset but janna is gonna fix this . Just follow my lead ."

Star and janna caught up to moon and Marie .
" ahhhh , there you are star !!! Look at this beautiful dress we found for you !!!"

 " ahhhh , there you are star !!! Look at this beautiful dress we found for you !!!"

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" ohhhhhh, it looks nice..." Star said .
" let's go try it on !!!" Marie said excitedly .
This deed looked nice for Marie but star hated this type of dress . It was plain and basic and wasn't stars taste at all .
When Star went into the fitting room she tried on the dress and just as expected she didn't like it . It didn't give her that feeling like it was the one . The one dress that every bride feels a instant connection with when they go wedding dress shopping . Star heard from other people that shopping for your wedding dress would be the most pleasant and happiest thing a bride could do but Star wasn't feeling that joy , instead she wasn't happy .
" so what do you think ?" Star said coming out of the dressing room .
" oh hunny you look beautiful !!!" Marie said excitedly .
" nah... I'm sorry Star but I'm not feeling this dress , sorry ." Janna said .
Star smiled on the inside .
" what don't you like about it ?" Marie questioner janna .
" well I don't think this is something Star would wear . Maybe she should keep looking ." Janna said implying the word she .
" that's a great idea janna , why don't we do that ?" Star said.
While Marie went away , look pulled Star and janna to the side .
" what's going on you two ?"moon questioned a little bit mad .
" what do you mean ?" Star questioned .
" why are rejecting all of Marie's ideas ?"
" because I don't like any of them and if I tell her that , then I feel bad . She is my mother in law !!!"
" I know star but she is excited about this too !!!"
" no offense miss B but Star does have a point . Marie can be very judge and harsh when things dont go her way ." Janna added .
" that doesn't matter !!! This is supposed to be a good time and you need to enjoy it !!! Now lets go back to Marie . She probably wondering where we are." Moon spoke .

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