Chapter :8

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Time skip :
They look around the shop what feels like forever.
" do you find anything you like ?" Marco questioned .
" no... this is so BORINGGGGG !!!"
" then why don't we do something more fun ?" Marco questioned . Star looked over at him confused but also intrigued.
" what do you mean ?...." she questioned .

" FIREEEEEE !!!!!" Star snot into the air with paintballs . They were at a paintball shooting area and because it was late at night no one was there .
Star was looking to shoot Marco but couldn't find him .
" Marco , Marco , come out wherever you are..." Star said sneakily looking around the area while tippy toeing .out of nowhere Marco pops up from behind her and shots her right in the back.
" Got ya !!!" He said excitedly as he had won .
" unfair !!! Let's have a rematch ."
" bring it !!!" Marco said confidently.
The next round was even more intense .

Stars POV :
I had myself a great plan . I stood up to make sure that Marco saw me and when he , trying to shoot for my chest plat I made sure to duck quickly enough for him to have hit my face with the paintball.

Star lays on the grown in agonizing pain and Marco soon rushed over to check on her .
" omg Star are you ok ?" He said trying to see her face to see how bad it was . Suddenly star shot up from the ground and shot him at his chest .
" HAHA !! I WINNNNNN !!!" Star said jumping up and down for joy knowing she had won.
" NO FAIR !!! You cheated ."
"You never said I couldn't ." She said with a smirk while doing her victory dance .
" so what do you wanna do next ?"Star asked after she finished boosting about her win .
"You want to go golfing ?"
" but I don't know who to play." Star confessed .
"WAIT YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY ?!" Marco asked shocked as he was surprised .
" wow, don't have to be mean about it ."star said as she rolled her eyes .
" no, it's just I'm shocked because I'd assume you'd know how to play ."
" Well that's something you didn't know about me ."
" do you want to go ? I can teach you ."
" sure ."

And then they were off .
They got to the golf course at about 11 at night . Surpriseingly it was still open and what was best is that it was empty and obsoletely no one was there . They got onto the field and started playing .
" ok let me see what you got ." Marco stated and Star got onto the field and played . She failed and the ball rolled far away from the hole . They both laughed at it and smiled .
"So was that good enough for your high standards sir ?" Star questioned Marco who was sitting over at the bench .
" Star this is the easiest one !!! How did you not get it ?"
" I'm sorry !!! I told you I was bad at this !!!" She explained .
Marco walked over to her .
Ok so what you need to do is try to move her right hand first and then glide along with your left hand." Marco explained while standing behind her and holding the golf stick with her .
" now , uhhh.. can I ?" He asked politely.
" just do it , don't make this weird."
Marco put his hands on her hips .
" and then you need to move your hips along when you move your golf stick."

Stars POV :
Marco stood behind me . Basically hugging me from behind and it felt comfortable and warm and inviting. His warm breathe over my neck definitely made me blush a little , only because it felt weird , do best friends do this ?

"And look , you've done it !!!!" Star had made the goal she celebrated with jumping up and down and running around like a 4 year old .

While all of this was going on , over in the distance , where the bench was , along with their jackets and things was Marcos phone ringing . It was a call from Jackie .

On the other side of the screen :
Jackie's POV :
I hadn't talked to marco since a day ago and I already missed him so I decided to call him and was secretly hoping we could have another conversation like the last one we had . That call was in a way like a stress reliever and I felt so honest and comfortable with him . It's a great way to build up our relationship and I'm really hoping it does.

Back to the bench :
The phone rang and rang but because they were so far away from their stuff they didn't even notice the noise .

Jackie's POV :
I rang a couple more times and each time it went to voicemail .
I rang it once more until I decided to send a voice message of my own .
" heyyyyyyyy. Sorry if I was bothering you , I wanted to call to see if we could hang out again sometime ? Well if not I guess we can still text each other right ?...anyways , I'm sure your busy and hopefully you get this message and when you do please text me back, I miss you..." and then I sent the voicemail . I reheard my voicemail and I sounded so desperate and stupid , you could clearly hear the nervousness in my voice.however I didn't delete it because their was still a piece of me that hoped he would answer or call me back .

Back to Star and Marco :
On the other side they were laughing and giggling and for the first time in a while it felt like before , when they weren't adults and busy with life and had time to do silly things together like this .
" I still can't believe that you didnt know how to play golf ." Marco commented again .
" UGHHHH ENOUGH WITH THAT COMMENT !!!!" She said as she slightly pushed him .
Eventually the two sat on the grass looking up at the sky , the clear sky that was so full of stars and not one single cloud was in sight .
" so many stars are out here tonight eh ?" Marco commented out of the blue , breaking the silence .
" yeah, they're all really pretty." Star repiled as her gaze was slowly being pulled into the stars .
Marco looked over at her and how fascinated and happy her face looked looking at all those stars .
" but I think the best Star is right next to me ." He commented .
Star looked over at him grossed out .
" your so cheesy !!!!" She replied laughing her head off .
Marco laughed along .
Then silence creeped back in .
" you know how You asked me if everything was ok with me and Austin , well to answer your question, it's not going good..."

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