Chapter 12:

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"Ok are we ready to go in ?" Janna asks everyone .
" wait !!!! We're here !!!" Star yells as
she and Marco pantingly run towards the group .
" you guys are late." Janna tells them .
"Janna what exactly are we doing today ?" Marco questioned , obviously has no clue what they were doing today because he was mostly likely forced to go by his best friend .
" today we are going to explore this abandoned field !!!" Janna said ecstatically . She was always one to explore the unknown and have adventures , it was just how she was .

" alright , we're here !" Janna said looking up at a fence covered in postered and signs . Clearly all stating that this was private property and not to go beyond this point but it was what a group of 10 ,mostly young adults would do . They were still practically teens .
Janna started climbing the fence and then followed by a few more people .
When it was marcos turn he was not one blind to the signs and warnings . He refused to go . 
" come one Marco !!! Stop being such a pussy !!!" Janna yelled stopping at the top of the fence and comfortably sitting down .
" NOOOOOOOOO, these signs all say not to go beyond this point and when a sign says something , I listen !!!" Marco states .
" come on marco !!! It's will be funnnnn..." Star states . She was almost at the top of the fence and looked down at him .
her beautiful ocean blue eyes shined brighter in the light of the moon and the bright shinning stars .
" ok..." Marco gulped .

Everyone had jumped the fence .
" so what are we doing exactly ?" Marco questioned .
" easy !!! Exploreeeeee. This place is super old and no one has been here for centuries !!! It's the perfect place to explore . Now everyone spilt up !!"

Time skip :
" ugh I can't believer you made me agree to doing this ." Marco groans .
He shines the light in the direction he and Star were walking .
" come onnnnn it isn't that bad , this is gonna be really fun !!!" Star said happily .
"Yeah, it's fun exploring abandoned forests in the middle of the night alone ."
" but your not alone , you got me !!! I promise you this is gonna be fun besides whats the worst that could happen ?" Just as the blonde said that they yelped in surprise as the ground beneath them had collapsed,they fall into what seemed to be a hole . They got up and dusted themselves off .
The brunette looked up and noticed how far down they were .
" oh man !!! We're stuck !!!" The brunette said and noticed that the blonde was awfully quiet , he turned around to see the same thing as she was . A path...
Star picked up the light and shined it in the direction of the path and started walking towards it .
" Star nooooooooooooo !!!" He whispered yelled at her . Yet she didn't listen . The brunette sighed to himself
"Fuck my life decisions..."
He said after before quickly sprinting towards the direction Star went .
" WAIT UP !!!" Marco yelled through the tunnel .He bumped into her as she had paused . Not knowing why she paused he decided to tap her on the shoulder . Before he could even touch her shoulder she whispered
"Run..." with said .
" what ?" The brunette asked ,as he did not hear her loud enough .
" I SAID RUNNNNN !!!" She yelled .
They both turned the other way around and ran in that direction . With no idea of where to do , they just ran .
Along the way marco saw an ally. With no idea where it lead to , he grabbed her hand and lead her into the dark corner .
" Marco , what are yo-" she was cut off guard by the press of his hand over her mouth . He pulled her closer to him so
That her back was pressed against his chest . She blushed in shock and surprise , still unknown of what was happening .
He took a feel steps back and so did she . The sound of fast footsteps approaching made star realized that they were hiding .
Once the footsteps had gotten far away marco let go of her .
" Star how do we get out of here ?" He questioned , still looking out of the corner to see if anyone was coming .
No answer . He knew something was up . He turned around and saw that Star was following a light .
" Star , Star , STAR !!!" He yelled /whispered at her . By the time he caught up to her. She was looking down at a waterfall .
"Wowwwwww..."she said , mesmerized by view .
" HEYYYY !!!" Star and Marco looked back and a group of people had saw them and were running after them .
They were trapped .
"Marco hold your breathe ."
" wait what ?" But it was too late , the blonde took his hand and jumped off the ledge into the water .

They floated back to the surface , panting for air . They shared a quick glance at each other and then looked around them .
" where do we go now ?" He asked .
" aaaaaaa , there !!!" Star pointed to the more shallower water .
They swam over there and lay on the ground exhausted , soaking wet and lifeless .
Marco got up and looked around himself . A forest was surrounding them , so that meant that they hadn't gone far .
Star looked back at the ledge that they jumped off , except she couldn't see it anymore . Where has it gone ?

She turned back around when she heard the voice of marco .
" it's getting late , we should get back to the others ."

Before this chapter ends I want to say something . This thing has been popping up all over social media lately and I would like to address it myself .
Weather you are black , white , Latino , Asian , LGTB , it doesn't matter . We are all human and no one should feel ashamed about their gender or who they are attracted to . They shouldn't have to be worried about their skin tone or what will happen to them if their simply just living life .
People shouldn't fear these things and embrace it and be happy . No persons should live unhappy because of something society doesn't like . Society , this world needs a change and it starts now .
Remember the great speech of
Martin Luther King Jr.
" I have a dream "

Please spread awareness and treat everyone equally

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