IV: A new housemate

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Adrien was absent from school again. Nobody suspected a thing, since this was a usual occurrence. Adrien was often gone from school because of photoshoots. But not Marinette. Adrien had been gone when she woke up that morning, so not only was she confused, but she was worried too. She told no one about Adrien showing up at her house the other day, Alya would never let her live it down, and she trusted no one else. Tho she did ask Nino where he might be, but him, like everyone else, just assumed he was at a photoshoot.


"Marinette, you ok?" The little kwami asked her owner as she walked home from school.

"Yeah, im just- I need some fresh air." Marinette popped her head in the door of the bakery. "Mom! Dad! Im going to the park!"

"Alright dear just be back before supper!"

"Got it!" Marinette sauntered over to the park, head filled with thousands of thoughts. Why was he on my roof? Why did he have brusies? Why did he smile when I was singing? Why did he leave, why wasnt he at school, what happened to cha- wait a minute. A-Adrien!!?

She had just plopped herself on a bench when she saw, on another bench across the park, Adrien. Sitting there. Talking to himself. "I thought only I did that. Shut up Marinette. Good idea. Don't mess this up."

"No, Plagg I don't know what to do. All I know is Im not going hoOOO HI MARINETTE!"
"Adrien! What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I ummm- I uhh... well. You see- I kinda sorta not really might've..."
"kinda sorta not really might've what?" She asked. "Ran away from home." He mumbled. " WhAt! Why?" The bluenette asked, sitting down beside him.

"I can't deal with my father anymore. Its like i don't have free will in that house. He- he asked me to do something I can't do. And he- got mad when I said no."

"Do you wanna- tell someone? Im sure they could get you out-"

"NO! p- please don't- hes all I got left."

"I- I know but if your never going back..."

"Im not sure about never, Im just not going back anytime soon. I hoped that some part of him might change. The only person I will allow to punish him is himself." Said Adrien, playing with the dirt under his shoes.

"Well... do you have somewhere to go?" Well, i was hoping with you... "no." He said looking extra sad. Marinette almost started shakin she was so excited.

" Hold that thought!" She said and raced back home.

"MOM DAD." She practically kicked the door down. "AAA"Mrs. Dupain dropped the pan of cookies she was taking out of the oven. "Wha-W- What? Fire? Robber?" Her father screamed.

"Do we still have that spare bedroom?"
Marinette asked in a huff.
" W-uhh y-yes I do believe so.. why?"  Tom responded, confused.
"Ummmm- lets just say... I found a stray in need of shelter"


Adrien was anxious. He was about to meet the people who would be housing him until further notice. He had met them before, so it's not like their total strangers but it was still nerve racking. Marinette was extatic. But she couldn't help but notice Adrien's uneasiness. "Hey, you okay?" She asked him.
" Y-Yeah, just nervous." He took a deep breath

"Don't worry! My parents can be a little much sometimes, but they are very kind. I promise you are completely welcome here."

Adrien nodded and Marinette opened the door to the main room to her house. Her mother and father were sitting on the couch waiting for him. They were supposed to wait until they made it to the couch but Tom was too excited and wrapped Adrien in a bone-crushing hug. A wheeze propelled itself out of Adrien as all the air has been crushed out of him. "Tom! Give the kid some air! You don't want to kill the kid before he's gotten a chance to speak!"
Mr. Dupain-Chang released his grip on the boy, and he took s gulp of air. " It's okay Mrs. Dupian-Chang! It did wonders for my back!"

"Why don't you two hang out for a bit while we make dinner!"
"That's fine with me. Marinette?"
"W-Uhhh just umm give me one second."
She sprinted up the stairs to her room.
"Tikki! Tikki i need help." Marinette said.
"With what?"
"I gotta clean my room! Adrien can NOT come up her and se-"
A blonde suck his head through her door. "Marinette?"
"EAAA UHHH" The frantic teen started ripping the photos off her wall and shoved them into a box as quickly as possible. "Hi?" "um... hi"
This is gonna be a long few- however long he's here.

Heesh it took me a bit to get the last part of the chapter out. Sorry I just didn't know what to write so.. yeah. Apologies. It will get better. I promis

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