XI: Danger

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"Huh? Huh! What!- oh hehe... here"

Marinette had drifted off into her mind again.

"Girl get a grip! You've been dozing off all day!" Alya whispered, delivering a soft punch to her friends shoulder. "Sorry" Marinette said, rubbing the spot where Alya punched her. "Whats going on girl? Your usually not like this" "i guess I'm just- tired. I didn't get much sleep last night."

Marinette looked back at the teacher, and tried to focus.

"Please open your books to chapter- "


"Everyone! Please for your safety go straight home! And don't forget your homework!" the teacher added as everyone rushed out of the classroom.

"Uuhg" Marinette sighed "here we go again" she said, annoyed that this was the second akuma attack today.

The baker's daughter ran to the closest allyway to transform. "Marinette wait I-" "Tikki spots on" Tikki was sucked into her earrings before she could finish delivering her warning. Marinette lassoed her yo-yo to a nearby chimney and soared above the city.

"Beep beep beep"

"What the- AAHHHHHHH"

Her earrings had beeped out and now Marinette was falling through the sky.
She couldn't comprehend what was happening as she plummeted to the ground. Marinette covered her face with her arms to prepare her for her impending doom. But it didnt come. (And i know what your all thinking and no, chat did not catch her midair saving her from death.)

On her way down she came in contact with a tree- breaking her fall, but making it no more comfortable. The girl hit the ground with a thud. Covered in scratches and bruises. And possibly a broken bone somewhere... she wished someone was nearby to help jer but everyone was inside, due to orders from the mayor, cause of this particularly dangerous akuma.

"TIKKI WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT!!!" Marriage scremed in her confusion, rage and pain. "Tikki?" She questioned to the kwami laying on the grass next to her. " your not the only tired one." Tikki said with a small chuckle and blacked out. "Oh my gosh, tikki im so sorry, ill get you some food i promise." Marinette said as she struggled to sit up, and placed her kwami in her purse.

The hairs on the back of her neck, stood straight up like an antelope that just realized it was being hunted as the trunk of a tree whooshed above her head and smashed into a nearby building. "WAHHHHH" She screamed and covered her head with her arms. She felt woozy but her adrenaline kept her conscious.

"Take that you overgrown house worm!" Marinette looked up to see Chat batting the 20 foot marvel style alien worm (if you know what i mean) he had just thrown a blow to the worms head, knocking him out for a short time.

"Ladybug, cmon where are you." He whispered under his breath. He scanned for her in the horizon. But his eye caught something else. Marinette. Huddled up on the ground. "What on earth-" he said as he jumped down to her. "Marinette what are you- what happened" said chat, seeing her scratches. A few were dripping with blood and she had splinters everywhere. "I- uhh i got hit-" "Marinette?" He gasped as she collapsed in his arms. Her adrenaline letting her sleep now that she was safe.


Weeeeeeee ahahahahah im having fun with this. Heeeheheheeheheh. Next chapter coming soon

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