07| F L U S T E R E D

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(def.) make {someone} agitated or confused.



Seoul, South Korea
12:18 p.m.

"You smoke?"

Startled by the unexpected, the intoxicant went down the wrong pipe.

"Oh my, pardon me! I didn't mean to startle you." a masculine voice with a thick English accent, hastily said.

Finally, after I managed  to stop my  coughing, I looked up, and waved my hands in a 'don't worry' gesture.

I've seen him before. I think that he started last week or some time along that period.

Clearing my throat. "Oh this?" I asked, as I lifted my hand that had the cigarette between my fingers. "It's not mine." I denied in a playful scoff.

The Englishman playfully turned to look around the empty smoking-room.

"That explains a lot." he chuckled, a sound that sent  goosebumps, rushed down my spine. "I'm Harry, pleasure meeting you, Miss Kim." he said, then smiled with a set of pure white, straight teeth.

Impressed, I cocked a brow. "Likewise, Mr Potter, I presume. Got a magic wand there under that hat, Sir?" I playfully added, and dragged the cigarette to my lips.

"I fly by night, Miss Kim." He said and for the briefest moment, he looked at my lips. I moved my hand away from my face and slowly blew out the smoke. "Not by broom, may I add." He pointed out.

I inhaled the cigarette, and slowly nodded. "I see." then passed the cigarette to him. "Smoke?" I offered.

"Thanks." he took the other half. "Started at 14." he then revealed.

"Same here." I replied, as I stared down at the cars passing by, 20 storeys below us.

"What reasons?" he asked.

I turned to look at him.

I only know his name and the fact that he works here.

Eventually he'll find out, and I no longer have secrets to hide, besides one.

One that's managed to hide itself for four and a half years.

He offered the cigarette back to me.

"Appetite suppressant." I answered plainly, then brought the stick back to my lips.

He raised a brow, and slowly shook his head up then down with the most adorable pout, that reminded me of someone I'd buried in the farthest corners of my mind. . . and heart.

"Johnny Depp was my idol." he announced, breaking the silence. "Trench coats; woollen scarves; tight pants; hat and a cancer stick between my lips. I made a close enough match." he chuckled again, this time I joined him.

"Aiming high. I like you already." I said, then passed the last bit to him again. He drew out one hand with long fingers and under the sleeve of his long cinnamon coat, I saw ink beneath them.

He subtly eyed me.

"Got those when I was 18. Got my first when I was 14." he says.

"I thank my lucky stars for being broke at your age." I snorted.

"Why's that, Miss Kim?" he asked and I made note that the way he said my surname certainly had me blushing.

"For many reasons, one of them being that I would have probably been here with turtlenecks and long sleeve shirts and pants." I answered.

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