22| B E L O N G I N G

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an affinity for a place or situation.


Seoul, South Korea
11:51 am

· · ·

"I'll be there in 5." I ended the call.

I gathered my belongings and answered my emails and within a few minutes later, I was on Lisa's doorstep.

"Hi, where is everyone?" I asked, as she let me in.

The place was dark and quiet as if nobody was home. Lisa wasn't even dressed yet.

"Two of my close friends are bringing Leo in the next thirty minutes, and everyone else is hiding outside until he gets here. We aren't even close to being done." she sighed, rolling her neck.

"What else has to be done?" I asked, shimmying out of my coat.

She had a tray of what looked like pastries and small finger foods, dressed up in assorted cold meats and salad greens.

"These needs to be placed onto the platters and dressed up with---" she explains and I nod, understanding what all is expected.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll finish these up and you go get done." I interrupted her, taking the foods from her hands.

"Do you know how to---"

"Yes, Lisa. Now on you go." I lightly shoved her, beckoning her to leave the kitchen.

"Okay, Ma'am. I'll be back."

"Don't take too long!"

I continued where Lisa left off, and covered the top with cling wrap until she came back down.

I smiled, seeing a few kids sticking their heads out to see if Leo was back or not.

When Lisa finally made her way downstairs, she was running around like a headless chicken, clothes on but undone.

"Did my phone ring?" she asks, passing by me and I unconsciously took that chance to get a whiff of her scent, as she pressed behind me, grabbing the phone.

"Uh.. no. Unless it was on silent, I heard nothing." I awkwardly responded.

Talk about gay panic.

"Alright. These are done, so I'm going to take these outside." she says, grabbing two platters, completely unperturbed by our close proximity.

The rest of the party was outside, along with raw meat, prepared to be barbecued.

One of the kids popped in, asking when Leo would arrive and as if on cue, we heard the sound of an engine, just outside the house.

Minutes later, the door rung and I got the door as Lisa continued.

There were about 15/20 other kids around Leo's age, wild and excited to party, waiting on the doorstep. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't slightly anxious seeing so many children.

Kun was behind them, looking even more stressed than I was. He smiled when he saw me, and I returned his smile.

I was suddenly confused, not seeing Leo.

"Jennie, how lovely to see you again." He says as he walks inside, surprising me with a kiss on the cheek, and I accidentally turned and his lips landed on mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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