Ch 34

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A/N: Thank you so much guys for 3k+ views! It means a lot. Hope you all liked the last chapter, and that it wasn't boring or escalated too quickly. I know there were a lot of time jumps, but that's because this story is coming to an end. This isn't the last chapter, though. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter! 

Few years later

"Lucius, if you take one more minute, I swear it won't be good for you." Narcissa told her husband.

"I am just styling my hair, dear Cissa." Lucius told her, standing in front of the mirror. 

"You said the same thing an hour ago. It is just a brunch, Lucius, you are not meeting a celebrity or something." She sighed. 

After waiting for another three minutes, she exited the room.


"Draco, if you take one more minute, I will turn you into a ferret!" Hermione threatened her husband.

"Just a minute, Mia. You know I have to style my hair perfectly." Draco said, running his fingers through his hair while standing in front of the mirror. 

"Honestly, Draco, it's just a brunch, you're not meeting someone famous." She told him.

"You're the most famous person after me, Mia. I need to style nicely." He told her. 

Hermione rolled her eyes and left the room. 

As she was going to the kids'rooms, she saw Narcissa walking towards her. 

"Narcissa? What are you doing here?" She asked her mother-in-law. 

"Lucius was taking way long to style his hair, I couldn't stand it anymore, so here I am." She told her. "Why are you not in your room?" Narcissa asked her. 

"Same problem. Draco has been styling his hair since past two and a half hours, and he is still not done with it." Hermione told her. 

"He inherited that from his father. Would you believe me if I told you that he reached a few minutes late to the venue for our wedding because he wanted to get ready in his home, and he spent most of the time trying to make his hair 'perfect'?" Narcissa said while rolling her eyes.

Hermione started laughing, and soon Narcissa joined her. After a few minutes, Hermione managed to control herself and said, "Well, it is a good thing then that Draco wasn't late to the wedding."

"That's because he woke up at five o'clock in the morning that day, arrived at the venue at seven o'clock, and spent the next two and a half hours getting ready, and the next three hours to make his hair perfect." Narcissa told her. 

"I think we deal the same situation every day." Hermione said to her. 

"So, I saw the photo of you two sitting at the new restaurant day before yesterday." Narcissa said. 

"How did you get it?" Hermione asked her. 

"Well, yesterday was the last day of Hogwarts for the kids. And apparently, Scorpius and Lyra wanted to go to Hogsmeade early morning. Minnie didn't allow them, and they gave her the photo of you two sitting at that restaurant to let them go, they even promised to tell her about your every date, or just simple hangouts, and she agreed to let them go." Narcissa said.

"And how did they know where we both went?" Hermione asked, narrowing her eyes at Narcissa.

"I may or may not have told them about it just as you two left the Manor." Narcissa sheepishly said.

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