Show Off

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He winced. 

The golden boy winced. 

The chosen one winced. 

Harry Potter winced. 

The boy winced as he stood up, stepping over the bench of the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall.  He just wanted to leave being unnoticed, which was clear for anyone watching the boy to see, but that of course wasn't the case.  The brat's friends had noticed his pain, not only Professor Snape. 

He had been watching the boy very closely, hating how much he reminded him of James.  James Potter, the boy's father.  James had done terrible things to Severus in the past, unlike the boy's understanding mother, Lily Evans. 

'And if it wasn't for that boy then Lily would still be here,' the Professor thought dully, watching in irritation as Potter's friends shown their concern for him. 

"Harry?  Are you alright?"  Granger questioned nervously, obviously concerned for her friend. 

Granger had always been quite the know-it-all to Snape.  Everyone else saw Hermione as the brightest witch of her age, but to Snape she was annoying and constantly bragging.  She was just a know-it-all.

And of course Weasley would have to speak next. He had never done very good in any of his classes, and he clearly didn't care about his grades. Ron was however a very loyal friend, but at the same time very irritating and clingy in Snape's opinion.

"Yeah, what is it, mate?"  Weasley asked his best friend, biting his lower lip. 

'Why are they making such a fuss over the brat?'  Snape thought, rolling his eyes.  'He probably just fell off his broom, practicing for quidditch and showing off since he's a first year who's allowed to play.  Potter's just milking it.' 

The boy nodded in response, giving his friends a reassuring grin.  "Everything's fine, guys.  I'm fine, don't worry."

Weasley and Granger nodded, all though they clearly didn't buy Potter's response.

"Are you sure, Harry?" Granger questioned the boy again.

"'Course, 'Mione. Don't worry about it." Potter gave the girl a small smile, showing her that he was alright.

Granger and Weasley nodded once more, both obviously still not satisfied with the brat's answer.

"Well, 'course you're are," Weasley started with a grin, clearly trying to change the subject, not wanting to make his best friend any more uncomfortable. "We don't have any classes today after all. Maybe it's you that isn't okay, 'Mione," the boy finished, looking at Granger jokingly.

Granger rolled her eyes as Potter let out a small chuckle, nodding lightly.

"Well then, that'll give us extra time to do research," Granger, being the know-it-all she was, stated, straightening her back as she stood up.

'Research, hm?' Snape thought, raising an eyebrow. It was probably just for schoolwork, right? He could only hope.

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