Gryffindor Pride

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Snape frowned as he made his way around the castle. He figured the Potter brat that he was for some reason concerned about, probably would've started heading back to the Gryffindor common room; so that's where he was heading.

'Why do I care about him at all?' Snape wondered silently. 'He's the reason Lily's dead after all. Besides, he's probably just seeking more attention since apparently how much he received this morning wasn't enough.'

He nodded, letting the idea sink in. Potter was fine, just wondering about like usual, and seeking trouble like his arrogant father.

However, Severus froze at the scene in front of him. He was nearing the Gryffindor common room, and there was Potter, crashing to the ground. 

"Potter!?" Snape demanded as he rushed to the boy's side. "Potter, can you hear me?" 

Snape sighed, looking at the boy's cracked glasses.  They must've broken during the fall.  The potions master picked up his wand, casting a simple repairing spell on the glasses. He gently placed the glasses back on the unconscious boy's nose.

The small boy whimpered quietly, his eyes fluttering open for a small moment before closing again.

"Potter?" Snape started slowly, moving back slightly to give the boy some space.

"P-Professor?" A small voice that Snape could barely believe belonged to an eleven year old boy, questioned.

Snape nodded slowly, looking down into the now-open, green eyes staring up at him.

"What happened, Potter?" Snape asked gently- well as gently as he would allow himself to act around Potter. 

The boy's eyes widened slightly as he glanced to the side. "Er...I just kind of..tripped, Sir," he said unsurely, "I'm fine now though." 

Snape pushed down on the boy's chest as he tried to sit up, shaking his head. 

"You just 'tripped'?" Snape repeated in disbelief. 

"Yes, Sir," Potter nodded, struggling against his professor.  The boy finally managed to get free from his grasp, and jumped up, covering up a wince that Snape still managed to catch, then he began dashing back to the Gryffindor common room. 

"Thank you for, er, helping me, Professor," the boy said before rushing into the common room. 

"Gryffindor pride," Severus muttered to himself, rolling his eyes. He sighed, not even bothering to attempt to stop the child. He knew the stubborn brat wouldn't listen. He'd just have to question him about his suspicions in a different way. Detention, perhaps.

The potions master turned around, getting ready to head back to the Great Hall when he noticed a purple-robed figure rushing past him. Quirrell.

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