Hissing Voices

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Once Harry was inside the Gryffindor common room, he raced up the steps to the boys' dormitories, not stopping until he reached his bed. He fell onto his bed, a frown tugging at his lips.

He winced as he turned onto his back. After his fall, his back was in even more pain than it had been earlier that day.

Harry shuddered, remembering how he had injured his back in the first place. A beating from his uncle Vernon. Again.

This one was one of the worst beatings he had ever received however. He had gotten it on Dudley's birthday, and it was still aching in excruciating pain. The beating was for talking to a snake.

Harry couldn't help but smile when he thought of that. 'I wonder why I can talk to snakes...' he thought, 'Doesn't matter, I bet loads of witches and wizards can do it.'

He sighed, his smile fading as he turned his thoughts to his scar. This wasn't the first time it had burned, but it had never hurt so badly before. He wondered what was wrong with him, but he knew he couldn't go to the Hospital Wing to find out. Otherwise people would find out. Then they'd be killed. 

Harry felt his eyes slowly closing, but this time not in pain.  He felt slightly at peace, although his head was still spinning with thoughts as he drifted into sleep.


"Ah, yesssssss," a sharp voice hissed, "your ssscarrrr."

Harry looked around, trying to find where the voice was coming from. He seemed to be in some sort of void. Everything around him was dark, and no company was to be seen. There was only a hissing voice ringing in the boy's ears. 

"Wh-who's there?" Harry asked into the darkness, stumbling over air. 

"You'll ssseeeee," the voice replied, and by the tone of its voice, Harry could tell whoever it was was smirking. "But untillll I can tormenttt you mysssselfff, I'll let your memoriesssss torment you." 

And then, the darkness changed.  Average-looking wallpaper met Harry's eyes, along with the furniture of a very generic home. But this wasn't just any generic home. It was the Dursley's. Not generic at all, in fact. It may seem peaceful and perfect, but Harry knew better. There was a secret lying in that very house. The secret of abuse. 

A/N)) I do not own Harry Potter! 

Sorry for another short chapter!  Hope ya liked it anyway!  By the way, if you ever see any mistakes then feel free to let me know.  I'd greatly appreciate it.  I make a lot of mistakes, trust me.  Speaking of mistakes, sorry I can't write worth fuck.  See ya Tuesday! 

Finish the vine:
Hurricane Katrina?-

Stay salty,
- Angie

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