Way Wrong

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"GET IN HERE, BOY!" a shout was thrown at Harry, bringing him back to his surroundings.

Everything was still the same. The generic wallpaper, the tile floors, the draped windows. Even the cupboard under the stairs. It was all the same as when he had left.

But what if he hadn't left just yet? No. This was a memory after all. The memory of the worst beating in his life.  The realization of that made Harry's heart drop to his toes. 

"C-coming, Uncle Vernon!" Harry stuttered as he scurried into the kitchen. 

He frowned as he looked up.  Everything was just like that memory.  Dudley's birthday.  It had been a great day for Harry, but also the worst day of his life.  On that day he had made his first friend.  He had befriended a snake.  But also on that day came his worst memory.  This memory. 

The meaty figure standing over Harry huffed in aggravation.  Uncle Vernon.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN MAKE GLASS DISAPPEAR NOW, DO YOU!?" the man screeched, his face turning a dark purple of anger.

"N-no, Sir, I told you it was like m-magic," Harry stammered, taking a small step back. He knew he was in for something awful this time.

Sure, Harry had encountered beatings from Uncle Vernon before, but never like this. They were simple hits with a belt, a hard object being thrown at his head, but nothing like this. 

Uncle Vernon growled as he reached for the lighter sitting on the kitchen table. "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS MAGIC!" he roared, clicking the lighter on as he yanked Harry's arm into his grip.

"Please, no!" Harry begged, feeling the fire hit his skin. The flames went deeper and deeper, nearly burning his bone. His muscles were burnt, along with the skin covering them. Well, it was once covering them that is. Now his skin was peeling, practically decaying, revealing blood and burns.

"NEXT TIME DON'T PUT MY SON IN DANGER!" Vernon screamed, finally clicking the lighter off. He had been holding it to Harry's arm for nearly a minute. So it was true. He was wrong. Magic is real.

The magic that lived inside of Harry was keeping him alive and functioning. Any normal human being with a burn like that would surely die if they weren't given immediate care. 

Vernon knew that too, and after everything Petunia had told him about Harry's mother, he was terrified.  It was written on his face, along with pure hatred. "You're nothing but a freak!" he hissed, glaring down at the whimpering Harry.

Harry whimpered quietly, silent tears of pain streaming down his cheeks. He tried to never cry during a beating, because every time he did it was much worse. But this time he couldn't help it. His arm was in immense pain, but soon he'd get worse. He thought Uncle Vernon had had enough this time, but he was wrong. Way wrong. 

A/N)) I do not own Harry Potter! 

I actually really like this chapter.  Not what happened, I hated that, but the overall writing.  It was actually okay. 

Finish the vine:

Stay safe and salty,
- Angie

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