His Lord

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Snape's eyes narrowed suspiciously. He, once again, was watching the famous Harry Potter.  The arrogant prat was pushing the food on his plate around with his fork, not even bothering to take a bite of it. 

'What an ungrateful, little brat,' Severus thought, shaking his head.  He couldn't understand why Granger and Weasley were asking him so many questions of concern- the food just didn't seem to be good enough for the boy.

'Does he not know the sacrifices his parents made for him?' Severus thought in annoyance. 'They risked their lives for him. They died for him- no, they died for nothing. Lily- she died for no reason. Just look at her precious son now- spoiled and ungrateful. He could never defeat the Dark Lord.' 

He shifted his position at the thought of that.  The Dark Lord.  His Lord.  Snape glanced suspiciously at Quirrell, shaking his head. He narrowed his eyes when he noticed the other Professor staring at the Potter boy. Severus glanced back at Potter, frowning when he saw him wince. The boy then got up, running out of the Great Hall.

Severus shook his head, standing up. He'd go after the boy and try to figure out if his suspicions were correct. He could only hope they weren't.

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