Normal Games

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After being forced to study for potions by Hermione, Ron and Harry played a game of wizards chess. Hermione simply rolled her eyes at the two of them. She couldn't help but think back to how strange Harry had been acting earlier. Now however, he seemed practically back to normal. That concerned her. What was he trying to hide from them?

Hermione sighed as she glanced up at the clock in the Gryffindor common room, realizing that dinner would be soon. "C'mon, you two, let's go eat," she suggested, standing up from her spot on the couch. 

Ron nodded, although Hermione knew he was too absorbed into his game to hear her.  She rolled her eyes before looking over at Harry, who actually seemed to listen to her.  He nodded, looking up at Hermione and giving her a small smile before saying, "Okay, good idea." 

'He seems to be acting...normal,' Hermione thought, although she still couldn't help but get suspicious. 

"Yeah, let us finish this game first," Ron said, still not removing his eyes from their game. 

Hermione rolled her eyes yet again, sighing. "Alright, but be quick or we'll be late." She watched them finish up their game, Ron cheering loudly when he won. 

She rolled her eyes again- something that she never seemed to stop doing- and motioned for the two boys to hurry up and follow her to the Great Hall. 

Harry nodded, helping Ron put away the chess game before getting up and following Hermione.  Ron did the same, whistling quietly as he glanced around the halls they were passing through. 

Once the three of them made it to the Great Hall, they took their usual seats at the Gryffindor table.  Food soon appeared on the plates in front of them- mashed potatoes, two dinner rolls, two slices of turkey, green beans, and a glass of pumpkin juice to top it all off.  It looked- and smelled- absolutely delicious!  The students soon began digging in, loud conversations forming from every group of friends. 

Hermione looked up from her nearly-empty plate at her two best friends.  Ron was stuffing food down his throat- like usual- and loudly telling Seamus a story about the chores around his house.  She rolled her eyes before looking over at Harry, planning to start a conversation with him.  She frowned when she saw the food on his plate completely untouched. The boy was pushing the food around his plate with his fork, an unreadable expression of blandness written on his face.

"Harry, why aren't you eating?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow.

The boy perked up at his name, seeming to have been zoning out before Hermione had spoken to him. He looked up at Hermione with wide, green eyes shining through his glasses. "I-I'm just not hungry, that's all," he said before replacing the look of fear on his face with his usual reassuring grin. 

Hermione shook her head, frowning. "Harry," she started, eyeing his plate carefully. "Please, just tell me what's going on." 

This seemed to get Ron's attention.  He cut Seamus off, turning to look at his two best friends. "Hang on," he muttered to Seamus before looking at the two of them. "Yeah, mate, what is it?" 

Harry looked down, removing the fake grin from his face.  Instead he frowned and kicked his other shoe, looking rather defeated. "I...I'm just really tired.  I don't feel like eating, and I'm not hungry anyway." 

Hermione glared at the boy.  How wasn't he hungry? She hadn't seen him eat for at least three days now. "Harry, you have to be at least a little hungry."

"Yeah, I haven't seen you eat for three days, mate," Ron exclaimed, practically reading Hermione's mind.

Harry shook his head, looking up at the two of them. His emerald eyes were darkened and weak. It looked as though he had no hope left. "Guys...I'm fine. I'm really fine."

"Harry, please," Hermione begged, looking him up and down.

"It's just...I..I'm really tired like I said.  I'm just gonna head to bed now," Harry said before quickly getting up and dashing out of the Great Hall.

Hermione frowned nervously, glancing at Ron who seemed to have the exact same expression. "We are so following him."

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