Fetching Potter

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Snape let out an exasperated sigh as he made his way to the Gryffindor table. He loved the way they all flinched when they saw him, considering he was the head of the Slytherin house first of all.

"Excuse, Mr Weasley, Ms Granger," the Professor began, stopping the two, young Gryffindors from running off. "Where do you think you're rushing off in such a hurry to?" He questioned, even though he already knew the answer. They were going to find their precious friend, Potter.

The bushy-haired girl spun around to look at their Professor, frowning slightly. "We're going to check on Harry, Sir. He's been acting rather strange lately and we wanted to make sure he's alright."

"Yeah," the redhead chimed in, "He hasn't been eating and he wakes up screaming a lot..going on with some tale of a nightmare.." the boy's voice trailed off and he looked as though he had said too much.

"'Nightmare'?" The potions master repeated, looking rather irritated. "Never mind, you two go finish your meals and I will fetch Potter."

"Sorry, Sir, but we are h-" Granger began before being rudely cut off by Weasley.

"What!? Why should you go check on him?" The redhead questioned, looking outraged.

"Because you two are supposed to be finishing your supper and chatting like every other irritating student in this Hall, while I take care of any issues," Severus hissed through gritted teeth. "Besides, being a teacher, it is my job to look after any students here, no matter how stuck up they might be, is it not?" 

"Harry is not stuck up!" Weasley protested, taking a step closer to Severus. 

"Ron!" Granger snapped, giving Snape an apologetic look. "Sorry, Sir, we'll leave you to your job then! Just please tell us how he is." 

"But 'Mione-" Weasley started before being cut off by Snape. 

"Thank you, Ms Granger. See to it that Mr Weasley here calms down and go back to your meal," Snape nodded before whipping around to leave the Great Hall. 

He could hear Weasley and Granger mumbling about how much they hated him as they took their sits, but he quite frankly didn't care.  The only he cared about at that moment- although he hated to admit it- was Potter. 

Snape took a quick glance at the staff table before completely exiting the Great Hall, and to his horror, he saw that Professor Quirrell was there no more.

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