Let's Just Go

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Hermione narrowed her eyes at Harry, wondering what in the world was wrong with him.  He was just so out of it today, more than usual at least.  He was acting rather absent minded and he kept wincing every few movements he made.  Why was that?  Hermione was determined to find out. 

"Y-yeah, 'course we do, 'Mione," Harry said shakily, although he tried to cover it up.

Hermione and Ron glanced at each other, sharing confused and suspicious expressions. 

"Harry," Hermione said slowly, taking a step closer to him. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, mate. What's wrong?" Ron said, keeping his voice slow and soft.

"I-it's nothing..sorry," Harry muttered quietly, looking anywhere but the eyes of his friends, which were filled with concern.

"Harry, if you aren't feeling well we can hold off the research today," Hermione started carefully, eyeing the boy.

"Oh please," Ron said sarcastically, obviously wanting to get out of doing more research. It was also clear that he wanted his friend to rest.

"N-no!" Harry said quickly, his voice shaking.

Hermione and Ron only got more suspicious, giving their friend worried looks.

"No.." Harry said, slowly this time, "I'm fine...just..tired."

Hermione couldn't help but feel even more suspicious at that. It was clear he was lying. But why?

"Okay, Harry...if you're sure.." Hermione said uneasily, obviously not fully believing the boy.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Harry nodded, looking at his friends with slightly pleading eyes. "Let's just go," he said, turning around and beginning to exit the Great Hall.

But when he winced, it wasn't unnoticed. 

Suspicions (Harry Potter) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora