Not Him

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"N-no, please!" Harry begged, although he knew it was useless.  He slowly stepped away, backing into the wall. 

"You can't escape me, so don't even try," Vernon grinned evilly, towering over the small boy. 

The large man then hurriedly grabbed a knife from the wall- luckily not the largest- before grabbing Harry's shoulder with his other hand. He forced the boy to turn around, shoving him against the wall.

"Ah!" Harry winced as Vernon pushed his shirt up to his neck, revealing a few older whip scars. 

"These scars are far too old- about a week!" Vernon exclaimed, shaking his head. "That just won't do. How" 

***time skip***

Harry awoke hours later.  As soon as his eyes opened, his was greeted with a blur of colors and a welcoming pain. 

'What happened?' the boy asked himself silently, looking around.  He soon realized his glasses were broken, so he huffed, sitting up.  Well, attempting to at least.  When he sat up, his ribs flared in pain and he immediately laid back down.  He yelped quietly, hearing a sickening crack come from his back.  What had his uncle done to him?  Did he really want to know?

"BOY! HOW'D YOU LIKE YOUR PUNISHMENT!?" Uncle Vernon roared.

No. Not him. Harry's memories returned, and his eyes were full of tears and pain. Not Uncle Vernon.


"Not him!" Harry yelped, shooting of his pillow. His breathing was quick and unsteady, as he realized he must've had a bad dream.

"Harry!" three voices cried, all concerned and pleased.

"Harry, oh Harry!" Hermione rushed to Harry's side, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Harry, mate, you okay?" Ron asked slowly, stepping up next to Hermione.

Harry couldn't respond. He was in so much pain. It felt just the same as when he had gotten beaten. He was shaking like a leaf, his face pale and covered in a cold sweat.

"Hey,'s alright," another voice- Seamus- soothed. Before Harry realized it, Seamus was also by his side, stroking his hair. "You're safe."

Was he? When was Harry Potter ever safe?

A/N)) I do not own Harry Potter!

aCk! I'm so so so sorry for not updating yesterday! Being honest, I totally forgot I didn't! To make up for it, how about two chapters today? I'll still update tomorrow as well.

Allllllso, I was thinking of maybe shipping Harry and Seamus????? Idk, it's random I know but I just kinda thought of it. Lemme know what you guys think!

Today's question is a question about the ships uwu:
Harry x Seamus or Harry x Ron??
orrrrr any other ideas?

Stay safe and salty,
- Angie

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