Staring Eyes

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Harry began sprinting up the steps and back to the Gryffindor common room- well, as far as he could get at least. He was exhausted from running, lying, and the pain in his scar was excruciating.

Harry gingerly touched the lighting-bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. Why was it stinging so badly?

One of the reasons he had ran out of the Great Hall was because he didn't want to be asked anymore questions. He didn't want to keep lying to his friends; telling them that he was fine.

'They already know, I'm sure,' Harry thought frantically, chewing on his bottom lip. 'They're gonna be killed and it's all my fault! How could I do this? How could I let them find out!?'

He began shaking from fear of his friends' deaths. He had to stop it; he couldn't let them be killed because of him.

Another reason Harry had left the Great Hall however, was because he truly wasn't hungry and wanted to get some sleep. He had gone much longer without eating before, and with the nightmares he'd been having, not to mention the fact that the school year was almost over, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep anything down.

The last reason of course, was due to his scar. He had felt eyes on him. He knew someone- other than his friends- had been watching him. Staring into his soul. That's when his scar had begun hurting. So he ran. 

'Well, I'm sure now I left the pain'll be gone soon,' Harry thought hopefully, letting out a quiet sigh.

But he was wrong. 

The pain in his scar only got worse, and that awful feeling of eyes staring into his soul had returned.  The boy jolted around where he was standing, letting out small whimpers from time to time. 

The pain was skull-crushing.  He couldn't take it.  Tears pricked the corners of his emerald orbs as everything around him began to spin.  Harry soon found himself swinging on his feet as parts of his vision turned black.  He felt his head hit something hard before everything went black.

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