Chapter 1

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This book will get better as it goes on. The ending of chapter 4 is where my story starts and it's the end of the "movie" part. You can skip to there if you want :)

Honeymaren's POV:

"Year 26 day 9,538 of being in the mist of the Enchanted Forest.
Everything still the same, I have been doing more training and I'm starting to train the younger kids. With the Arendellian soldiers still here most of our Adults and elders are keeping watch over them. I sometimes wish I could"

My tent starts moving around violently before I could finish writing in my journal. The wind spirit is back?

"Everyone stay calm" Yelena shouts to everyone in the camp. I look outside to see everything blowing around. After a couple seconds the last big wind covers us then disappears.

Everyone is getting out of their tent and my first instinct is to check on my brother. I knock on the wood of his tent but there was no answer. I went inside and saw him sleeping. Of course he would be the one to sleep through this.

I walk over to him.
"Ryder! Get up" I say shaking him. He groans and then turns and looks up at me.

"Ah Maren! What are you doing in here!?" Ryder whisper-yells cause I startled him.

"Did you not feel that strong wind just now?" I say raising my eyebrow at him.

"No what are you talking about?"

Before I could answer him Yelena is yelling at everyone to get their weapons and follow her.

"Just get up and hurry" I say before running out of his tent. We all grabbed our weapons and followed her.

We were sneaking up on some trees and the wind spirit started to go crazy again, just not as bad as before. I step closer and step on a branch that was on the floor.

Some girl sliced open the bush we were hiding behind with a ice sword. We move closer.

"Lower your weapon" I say making eye contact with them.

"And you lower yours" said an Arendellian soldier clanking their swords on their shields.

Yelena walks over to Mattias

"Threatening my people, Lieutenant?" She says

"Invading my dance space, Yelena?" He says in response sarcastically.

I'm still on guard over the 3 people and the Reindeer.

"Why does that soldier look so familiar?" The redhead says swinging the sword.

Another Arendellian solider called out Mattias and they rush to get the sword she is holding.

I lead the way into rushing them too when the blonde creates ice under our feet making all of us fall over slipping.

"That was magic, did you see that?" Mattias asked

"Of course I saw it." Yelena replies scooting  away.

"You chose a nice cold greeting" the ginger says to the blonde.

"They have been trapped him here this whole time?" The guy says.


"What do we do now? Says the blonde. I look up to see the blonde talking.

She is really pretty. Her eyes are so blue and she has a beautiful voice. No! Focus Honeymaren!

A snowman appeared knocking me out of my thoughts and introduced himself as Olaf. Of course we were all kind of freaked out about it. Ryder hid behind me.

"Oh, sorry. Yes, I just find clothes restricting." He says then introduces how they got there and their back story which is quite interesting actually.

So the blonde is named Elsa and the ginger is named Anna. They are sisters.

When Olaf got done everyone looked at him confused.

Elsa defrosted the ground around us and Mattias gets up.

"Are you really Queen of Arendelle? He asked.

"I am" Elsa replies

Yelena walks back over to us. "Why would nature reward a person of Arendelle with magic?" She says

"Perhaps to make up for the actions of your people" Mattias fights back

"My people are innocent, we would have never attacked first." She said.

"May the truth be found."

Elsa and Anna went to go talk to Mattias and the Arendellian soldiers stand around them.

We back up and Ryder puts his arm out in front of me.

Elsa steps forward and says someone has called her here and she wants to find the voice.

"Trust me I just want to help" she says

"We only trust nature. When nature speaks-"
She gets interrupted by the fire spirit. "We listen"

We all back up in fear

"Get back everyone" Yelena says.

This is the first chapter! Hope you like it :)

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