Chapter 11

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Elsa's POV:

"Just go" I say whispering and Honeymaren leaves my tent. I don't know if I am angry or sad. I don't know if I should sit and cry or punch something. I don't know what to feel. I'm glad I'm her best friend but for the first time in forever I actually like someone more than that. And of course it's with a girl who probably doesn't even like girls. Or even if she does, she doesn't like me.

I am just really confused. She holds my hand, she cuddles me, she kisses me for Christ sake. Is that normal? Is that normal friend stuff? I don't even know. I guess i mistook her being nice as just flirting with me. I should probably talk to Anna, she would know what to do.

I go to the corner and get a paper and start writing.

"Dear Anna,
Sorry to write to you at this late hour but I am really upset. I confronted Honeymaren on her cuddled and her kissing. I was going to tell her I liked her but I decided to ask her if she liked me first. She said yes, but as a friend. She said I am her best friend. I need help Anna. My crush for her is only starting to grow and I don't know how to feel.
Please write back soon,

I went out side to have Gale deliver the note to Anna when a similar note passes by into Honeymaren's tent. I didn't think much about it until Honeymaren came out and took it. She was looking down so we didn't make any eye contact. I put my arm up and gave the note to Gale.

"Give this to Anna. Please make sure she replies quickly. Thank you." I say to Gale then go back inside. I wonder what note Honeymaren got?

Honeymaren's POV:

I grab the note sent back from Anna and open it.

"We will be there as soon as dawn hits. We will make this get together great. And don't worry. I will totally make sure you and Elsa get together. I'm sure she will accept your confession. You are a great girl Honeymaren."

I smile at the note then stop when I remember what happened. Should I tell her? I'm sure Elsa probably did. Should I still even do it?

I pace around my tent trying to think. Let's see. If I don't do it she will probably be mad at me and we will never be together. And if I do there is a chance we would get together, but also she could say no and it would be weird.

I decided just to do it and see what happens. There's no hurt in trying right? I lay down in my bed and try to sleep. I need to be rested for the "party".

Elsa's POV:

I patiently wait for Anna's response. As if on cue Gale comes flying in with her note.

I open it and it reads:

"Dear Elsa,
Woah. That doesn't sound like Honeymaren at all. Maybe she was just nervous about something is all. Give it time and talk to her. I'll be here to help anytime Elsa.
I love you.

"I love you too Anna" I say quietly to myself. I put the note down and and lay on my bed looking up to the ceiling. I'm definitely not getting good sleep tonight.

Honeymaren's POV:

I wake up to knocking on my tent. I sit up and grab a long sharp stick  off the floor. I slowly open the door to find bright blue eyes staring at me.

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