Chapter 15

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Honeymaren's POV:

"Stay there I wanna see something." Anna says.


"I just wanna check your clothes without suspicion. I don't want Elsa to know yet."

"Know what?"

"What you are going to wear to my bachelorette party. You need to look sexy. So what are you going to wear?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe the dress from the get together."

"You did look good in that but let's think bigger."

"Why do I need to look sexy Anna?" I say getting up.

"Because you need- hey lay back down I'm not done yet- you need to look the best, besides me of course, for Elsa." Anna says pushing me back down.

"Okay but what about your wedding?"

"I'll get you a dress for that too. Alright I'm done. Let's go." Anna says grabbing my hand pulling me up and out the door. We head down the hallway and see Elsa talking to Kristoff and Ryder. Elsa spits us and walks over to us.

"Hey Anna, Honey. Where did you guys go?" She asked

"To my room. But we need to go out again." Anna says holding my hand. I can tell Elsa noticed this cause she looked at our hands then up at me.

"Oh alright then. Have fun." She said then walked back to Kristoff and Ryder.

"She seems upset." I say

"Don't worry about her Maren, once she sees you she will forget everything." Anna says pulling me outside.

We go walk around Arendelle going around to some shops to find dresses for me. Anna is getting a lot of attention of course since she is queen. But she just smiles and waves as we walk.

We walked around for about 15 minutes before we found a perfect shop. When we walk in Anna sees a silver skin tight dress that goes just above the knee.

"This one" she says pointing to it.

"Are you sure that's going to be okay? You know since it's your party and wedding." I say walking up to it.

"It's fine Maren trust me. Plus the after party as well you will look so good, not as good as me but still good." She says laughing. She grabs it and pushes it towards me to try it on. I go to the dressing room to do so. A few minutes later I walk out to see Anna's reaction and she has a huge smile on her face.

"Yes this is perfect oh my god. Elsa won't be able to take her eyes off you girl!" She says hyping me up.

"I don't know Anna. This isn't really my style" I say looking down at the dress. She turns me around to face the mirror and makes me look at myself.

"I know it's not Honeymaren. But look how good you look. You have curves and your muscles really come out. Try it out, if you don't like it then I won't make you wear anything like this again."

"Okay I'll wear it" I say to her smiling. She hugs me and sends me back in the dressing room and closes the curtains.

I look at myself in the mirror again. I run my hand over myself in the dress with a smirk. I can't help to think about what Elsa's reaction would be. I take the dress off and go back to my normal clothes.

I step out and hand the dress to the worker and Anna pays for it and we head back to the castle.

Once we walk in we are greeted with stuff half of the castle being set up for Anna's bachelorette party. I look over to her and she has a huge smile on her face cause of it.

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