Chapter 8

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Elsa's POV:

"Let's talk" Anna says staring at me. I close the door and walk closer to her.

"Okay?" I ask and I sit down next to her. "What's up?"

"What's the deal?"


"You know what I'm talking about Elsa"


"Honeymaren" she says and I just look at her confused.

"What about her? She's my friend" I say and Anna then smiles.

"Ahh I'm so happy for you." She says hugging me.

"Umm what?" I say confused but hugging her back.

"I just wanted you to admit you finally have a friend." Anna says squirming around. I laugh and let her go.

"Haha yeah. She makes me happy. That's why I brought her. You don't mind that I did do you?"

"No of course not." She says getting up. "But you two are really close for how little you've known each other."

"What do you mean?"

"The nicknames, getting the chocolate off of her face." She says walking to the door and then turns around. "It's cute" she says smirking.

I just smile at her and then lay down. I should've told her about the almost kiss. I just shut my eyes and let sleep take over me.

Honeymaren's POV:

I look around the room I'm in. It has high ceilings and beautiful art on the wall. The beds are so comfortable. I say in my side and look at the door. I hear the door across from me, which is Elsa's, open then close. I go over to my door and open it quietly. I see Anna walking down the hall over to another door. That must be her room. I step out of my room and knock on Elsas. No answer. I knock again and and open it.

"Snowflake?" I ask in a whisper. Still no answer. I see her sleeping on the bed. I walk up to her and lay down next to her. I put my arm over her and heard her hum softly. I close my eyes and go to sleep like that.

"No don't you dare wake them up." I heard Anna whispering to someone. I didn't open my eyes and I listened some more.

"Doesn't elsa like to be woken up early?" Kristoff said.

"Yes but look how cute they are. Let's just let them sleep." She said and they both headed out. I smile and open my eyes. I look over to see Elsa still sleeping. I decided to stay how I there until she woke up. My arm was still over here but she was on her back. She was facing me and one of her legs were over mine. I just looked up at the ceiling.

A few minutes later I felt her stirring. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

Elsa's POV:

I opened my eyes to mind Honeymaren next to me. I smiled to myself and moved her hair with my hand.

"I know you are awake dork." I say and laugh. She smiles and looks at me.

"How did you know." She says.

"You're eyelids were moving." I say

"Oh dang." She says and laugh. I get up and stretch.

"When did you come in here?"

"A little bit after you fell asleep."

"Ohh alright. Wait did you not like your bed?"

"No no it was very comfortable but I like sleeping with you."

"Oh alright" I say giggling. "Me too."  and she smiles at that. She gets up behind me and we both head out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the family room where Anna and Kristoff are talking.

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