Chapter 18

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Hello readers!! This is the last chapter of  Icy Feels -Elsamaren-. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Elsa's POV:

I grab a blanket to cover me and Honeymaren up. Anna quickly shuts the door and leaves. She doesn't say anything.

"What just happened." Honeymaren says in disbelief.

"My sister just caught us naked." I said to her looking down. I go to stand up and bring the blanket covering me, which makes Honeymaren's body exposed.

"Hey what about me?" She sitting up.

"It's okay. I like the view" I say to her winking. She blushes at my words.

"So what are we going to do about Anna?" She asks.

"Honestly I don't know, I don't know if I should talk to her, I don't know if I should let it be. I just don't know." I say dropping the blanket to put some clothes on.

"Maybe we should just see what happens today. We all have to eat at breakfast anyway so let's see how it turns out." She says.

"Yes that sounds nice. Here, put some clothes on, my sister has seen to much of what's mine." I say throwing some of my clothes at Honeymaren. She sticks her tongue out at me and gets dressed. I look at myself in the mirror and look at the hickey that honey placed on me. I smile at it but it will definitely cause attention. I move my hair so that we can't see it and I do the same form her.

"Ready to do this?" She asked me. I take her hand and kiss it as we head down the halls to the dining area where we will have breakfast. I let go of her hand and sit in my normal seat across from Anna. Of course since the Northuldra people have stayed the the castle they are here as well. We all get ready to eat as I notice Anna not meeting my gaze.

"So how does it feel to be married?" Ryder says breaking the silence.

"It feels amazing. So much more freeing." Anna says with a huge smile on her face.

"That's good to hear" Honeymaren says smiling at Anna and she smiles widely back. I make eye contact with Honeymaren as she does. Once everyone has finished eating the Northuldra headed off back to the forest. Honeymaren decided it would be best if she went with and I didn't mind. It gave me a chance to talk to my sister. As I waved her good bye I walked back into the castle to meet my sister.

She was leaning against the doorway smiling at me with raised eyebrows.

"What's that look for?" I say laughing as I walk up to her.

"You know exactly what it's for. So tell me. Was it good?" She asked.

"What was good? The food? Yes definitely yumm." I said dodging the question.

"I'm sure what you eat last night was good as well." She says laughing and I can't help my blushing face.

"Anna!" I yell at her.

"What?? I mean what to you expect? Your sister who teases you about every little thing, caught you booking up with your best friend." She laughs more.

"Actually there's something I have been meaning to tell you." I say.

"Oh? I might know what it is." Anna says smirking.

"Oh really? Please share then." I smile and cross my arms.

"No no, it's your news, you tell." She said looking at me.

"Well Honeymaren and I are dating." I say in a quick breath.

"I know. It's very obvious." She said rolling her eyes playfully.

"What really?"

"Yes. With the hand holding and the way you two were on each other. Plus you two literally had sex. I'm telling you it was obvious. But thank you for telling me." She says hugging me at the end.

"You're welcome Anna. Thank you for being so caring." I say hugging her back.

"So when are you going to head back to the enchanted forest?"

"Probably in a few minutes. Let's stay like this for a while. I miss this." I say smiling and she does the same. "I do need your help with something."

"What is it?"

"Well Honeymaren is the first and only person I've actually had feelings for. These feelings are so deep that when I'm thinking about her I can feel my heart start to speed up. What I'm trying to say is, I think I love her. And you know how hard love is more me Anna. But I do feel this for her. I want to tell her but I'm scared she won't feel the love that I feel. I'm scared that this might be a small crush for her. I don't want to get my heart broken. I'm scared of that. I just don't know how to tell her." I say as a take a large breath. Anna just nods her head and looks down.

"Elsa listen to me. She feels the same. I can see it in the way she looks at you. She has the brightest smile when she sees you or your name is mentioned. I think that you will know when the right time will be to tell her those 3 important words. The best advice I can give you is, don't make a plan to say those words. When there's a moment, you will feel something inside of your heart that will tell you it's a good time. It will tell you you are ready. Once you say those three words it may feel like the world has stopped moving when waiting for her response, but trust me sis, when she says it back it will be the best feeling ever." Anna says finishing up.

"You give the best advice." I tell her.

"I'm doing my best for you. I know you would do the same for me." Anna says hugging me tight.

"I better start to head back. Thank you for this talk Anna, it really helped a lot."

"You're welcome sis. I love you."

"I love you too Anna." I say back and we hug one last time as I rode off on Nokk.

A few minutes lasted as I arrive back at the forest.  It was mid day and there was a bunch of people outside talking. I get off of Nokk as I walk up to Ryder.

"Hey Ryder where's Honeymaren?" I ask him.

"She's in her tent, I think she's taking a nap." He said pointing to her tent.

"Thank you" I say walking off to that area. I walk in without knocking and find her sleeping with her back facing the door, still in my clothes. I walk quietly up to her and sit down. She stirred and turns around to look at me. When she sees me she smiles and I smile back.

"Hey sleepy head." I say rubbing my hand on her shoulder and back.

"Hey Snowflake." She says yawing. She extends her arms out to me wanted me to lay next to her. I give in and she cuddles me.

"So what did Anna say when you told her?" Honey asked. I turned to face her.

"Oh she was devastated." I say smiling.

"Wait what?"

"I'm kidding Honey, she knew. She said it was pretty obvious."

"Well that's a relief." She says letting out a breath. "What else did you guys talk about?"

"Nothing much we just hung out."

"Oh alright." She said and we just lay there.

"Elsa?" Honeymaren said and I open my eyes quickly cause she never calls me that.

"Hm?" I ask looking at her and she puts her hand under my chin and smiles.

"I love you." She says. That's the feeling, of course it's switched but it's still there.

"I love you too." I say back and she smiles wider and goes in for a kiss, which I give back.

"I've been wanting to say that for a while, but I didn't know if you were ready or not. But I needed to say what is real."

"I've been doing that same thing. I'm glad we both can relate." I say giggling and leaning into her.

I guess not everyone I've loved is in the castle walls.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the book itself. I'm sorry this chapter took to long to come out. I wanted to make sure everything in it was what I wanted it to be. If you have any suggestions let me know and I might make a second book 🤫🤫

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