Chapter 6

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Honeymaren's POV:

I left Elsa in my bed as I follow Ryder to Yelena. I look down as I'm walking. I can't help to think of what I almost did. I almost kissed Elsa for crying out loud. What am I thinking? It was her first night here and I try to kiss her?

We arrive where Yelena is at and she starts telling us where we need to go.

"Ryder you go feed the reindeer and Honeymaren I need you to stay and train Elsa. Teach her fighting skills, show her around the forest." She says. And I nod. That means I have to confront her about how we almost kissed.

Ryder walks off in a different direction and I go back to the tent. I walk in to see Elsa still sitting on the bed playing with the blankets. She looks up at me.

"Come on, let's go get Breakfast." I say to her and she nodded. She gets off the bed and follows me outside. "You don't have to be a stranger here, you know that right?"

"Yes I do, I'm just nervous I guess." She says to me.

"Don't be nervous. You are the Fifth Spirit. You can do literally anything." I say. She just giggles as we sit down on the log. We get our breakfast and we eat.

Once we finish eating I take her to where we can train.

"Alright Elsa. We are going to spar. You ready?" I say

"Ready as I'll ever be" she said putting her hair in a ponytail and looking at me.

"Alright but no powers". I say and she gives me a thumbs up. I run to her and she dodged me and moves to the side. She tries to jump on me but I push her away and pin her down.

"Ugh" she says. And I get off of her.

"Oh did I hurt you? I'm sorry" I say putting my arm out to help her up. She looks up and smirks at me.

"Gotcha" she said as she gets up and gets me in a headlock. We both start cracking up laughing and she lets go of me.

"Soft spoken but strong fighter. I like it" I say looking at her. She just giggles and shrugs.

"I'm not as soft as I look."

"I know. Wanna go another round?" She nods and we train for an hour.

By the time we are done we are both covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

"That was so much fun!" Elsa yells at me excited, jumping around.

"Yes that was, most fun I've had in a while." I said giggling. I look at her looking at her sweat covered arms and legs. "Let's go swimming!"

I take her hand and lead her to river. Once we arrive I realize that I didn't bring a bathing suit for myself.

"Hey Elsa" I say and she looks at me. "Did you bring a bathing suit?"

"No, but I can make one." She then turns around and waves her hands. Frost covers her and she turns back around with a blue 1 piece bathing suit.

"Wow" I say amazed at her. She giggles.

"Where's yours?" She asked looking at me confused.

"I didn't bring mine" I say scratching the back of my head and looking away from her.

"Oh then let's go get it"

"No it's fine I'll do it in my bra and underwear." 

"Alright lets go" she says and jumps in. I follow her but I don't jump. I have to be careful not to let my bra fly up. When we get in the water, it's about to our collarbones.

Once I get settled in, Elsa splashes me.

"Hey" I say glaring at her then giggling. She just laughs and splashes me more. We get into a splash battle and it gets more intense.

I splash Elsa back and we try to get each other under the water, playfully of course. I slip on some rocks and Elsa pushes me down into the water. When I come back up to the surface, I spit out the water that was in my mouth at her and laugh.

"Eww gross" she says joining in laughing with me. I stop laughing as I notice something. I look down and see my top is gone. She doesn't notice this and I put my arm over my chest.

"Elsa, Elsa I need your help." I say to her nervously.

"What's wrong?" She says noticing how my mood changed suddenly. I point down and she looks down confused. Her eyes go wide.

"Oh" she says with her hands over her mouth. "Where could've it gone?"

"No idea. How are we going to get out of here?" I say. Right was I said that Ryder walks by. 

"Oh hey girls." He says and sits on some rocks. "How is the training going?"

I quickly got underwater with the only think sticking out was my head.

"It's good. I'm pretty good at it" Elsa says as she moves in front of me sensing my uncomfortableness.

"That's good." Ryder says laughing. "What's wrong Maren?"

"Nothings wrong with her." Elsa says nervously before I could answer.

"Um okay" Ryder says and walks away. I come back to the surface and out my hand over my chest again.

"Oh I have an idea." I say moving to the dry land trying to grab my shirt. I get out of the water a little bit and grab it.

Before I put my shirt back on I look back and see Elsa looking at my bare back. I Smirk and put my shirt on and get out of the river.  I extend my hand for her and she grabs it. I try pulling her out but she yanks me back in the water.

"Ugh" I say as I get my head above water. I look at her and she is just laughing her head off. I smirk and dump her underwater as I hurry and get up. I wait for her to join me on the land and when she does she stares at my chest. I didn't think much of it.

"Uh Honeymaren? Your uh, boobs." She says pointing at me.

"What?" I ask and look down. I see how my shirt is wet making my nipples stick out very noticeable. I smirk and look at her. "Well you should be proud, you caused this dumping me in the water again."

She giggles and we head back to camp.

Elsa's POV:

Me and Honeymaren walk back into camp. We split ways as she goes in her tent to change and I go to see Yelena.

"Hello Yelena" I say

"Well hello Elsa. How did your training go?"

"It went well. Honeymaren is teaching me well."

"I'm glad to hear that dear." She says and I nod. "Oh by the way, your tent is ready for you"

"Oh I'm so happy to hear that" I say.

"Let me show it to you." She says and I follow her to the other side of the camp. "Here it is."

"Thank you" I say and go inside. I lay on my new bed and I reflect about today.

Let's see the first was waking up on top of Honeymaren. I freaked about about that so much. I still feel a little bad about it. She didn't seem bothered by it. Next was the almost kiss. Can I even call it that? Maybe she was just going to lay down on me. I wouldn't mind if she kissed me. Wait what? Why am I thinking like that. I really need to talk to Anna. She will know what to do. I'll be going to Arendelle tomorrow for family game night, I'll talk to her then.

Anyway back to reflecting. We trained and then we went swimming. And the incident happened with her top. That's definitely going to be an inside joke between us. Her back, and her boobs poking out. I think she is trying to kill me! I wander what would happened if we did kiss. And I'm thinking about the almost kiss again! I should really talk to her about it.

This is chapter 6!! Hope you like it 😁

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