CH 15

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 "He, I had a good poop this morning which makes my balls sticker. They're not going anywhere."

"Good job guys, we got them all. Honestly I was a little worried about them having reserves under water where they wouldn't have been affected, but I guess we were lucky. It was a bit of a gamble."

"Stop that, you're making me anxious. Instead of second guessing what we did, shouldn't we think about our next move?"

"Yeah we should. If we follow the shore to the exit, will make it to the exit without meeting the villians in the central plaza."

"Yeah, good Idea. that way we don't get into mister Aizawa's way fighting the villains over there."

'Yeah, but can Aizawa really take them all on? I can tell he's tough but will there not be a wild card? And that bird monster, why do I get such a bad feeling from it. Whatever is going to happen, it won't be good.' Izuku came to a conclusion. "Most likely, if he doesn't get any back up. His body will give out before he defeats all the villains. This isn't his go to fighting style."

"You're not suggesting, we...? Are you trying to get ourselves killed!? I gave all I had to the villains over there! I'm not sure I can take on another group!" Come on, he just got his fighting spirit. He can't keep it up that long.

"I'm not saying to go in guns blazing. We can go around the edge and take out a few. Pull some attention off him. Anything is partially better than nothing." Honestly, izuku wanted to be at the heart of the battle. But Aizawa wouldn't allow it and he had his classmates to take care of. He knew it was risky, but worth it.

"So, your plan was to scater us and kill us. Tchhh" frost came out of his mouth. "You were woefully unprepared. In fact it looks to me like you had no training. You haven't the slightest Idea how to use your quirks." todoroki started to walk forward.

"This power. He froze us the moment we warped here!"

"He's not a kid, he's a monster!"

"So, cold..."

'Where is he? I brought so many friends eager to meet him.' how do they plan to kill all might? At first I thought they gathered a force of elite criminalis who could simply over power him. Todoroki doge as a guy came at him with a knife and a guy from behind a spear. He froze them both in an instant. But that can't possibly be their master plan. Most of these villains are low level thugs. Just pawns. From what I can tell there are only 4 or 5 truly dangerous people here. If that's the case, right now what we need is more information. "Listen will. If you stay frozen your cells will slowly die as your body succumbs to frostbite and hypothermia. Lucky for you, I want to be a hero. So I would like to avoid unnecessary cruelty. But I can only do that if you tell me how you plan to kill all might. That's the only way you will survive."

*mountain Zone

"WAHAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" kaminari dogged under a fist of a huge villain. "Nehg. These dudes are terrifying! My whole life just flashed before my eyes!" he continued to run away. Jiro deflicted a villians weapon with her short sword and momo knocked a guy away with her staff. "I think I saw the grim reaper, what's going on!"

"Can you take it down a few notches?" jiro said, eyeing the enemy. They were surrounded by a horde of villains. They had their backs to a clif.

"Right now we need to focus on getting away from these enemies." momo said as an order.

"Then pull out a weapon for me!"

"You're the one with electric powers, way don't you zap them so we can run?"

"Were you not paying attention during combat training! Some parternr you where. I can cover my body with electricity, but if I try to shoot it out it would go everywhere. I would take you guys out with them, or do you want shok treatment today! I can't even call for help scene there's still interference with the signal. I'm counting on you two!" he gave them a thumbs up. "I'm no help in this situation. You got to get us out of here, please!"

Izuku's martial journeyWhere stories live. Discover now