Cliche# 8 :BFF Love

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I wrote most of this shit I did when I was half asleep so I'm warning you guys that wierd and crazy shit is going to happen. You don't care? Fine, keep on reading you daring little rascals you. I was not on cocaine while writing so you don't have to worry. It will make most of you uncomfortable. I'm sorry.......I'm so sorry. I know I'm going to lose some readers after this.

Maqueshanananana's POV

I looked into his bright puke green eyes and felt my heart pound against my chest. His smile revealed his sharp and mismatched teeth. I loved how every time he walks, the sound of a jug water being shook is heard. His messily unkempt hair that was dark green in the front and bright green in the back. He was loved by everyone and by everyone, I meant only me. Everybody at school said something about him being a psychotic sociopath and kicked puppies and took food  from the homeless, which is true. I look past that since I know who he is on the inside and actions speak louder than words and his actions tell me that he is a lovable guy.

"He's a coke dealer." They say and that's true bit he has a good reason for it. He needs the money for the booze he drinks.

"He punched his own grandmother." She was being mean to him! She knows that she can't cook his cookies without chocolate chips!

"He stabbed a homeless guy because he was asking someone  for change." He was irritated that day.

"He grabbed a child," He's not good with children, big whoop. "then proceeded to twirl them around in a big circle," That isn't that bad. "To only let them go, which made them fly like a rag doll. The child was half-dead when their mother found them." Okay, that is pretty fucked up, but I still love him no matter what.

My name is Jade, and I am in love with my best friend who I knew since I was a child. I will love him no matter what anybody says about him. Sure, he does do a couple of bad things, but no one should judge him because of them!

"Hey bitch!" The love of my life greeted me. I was currently walking in the rain on the sidewalk the led to our school. My bestie was in his warm comfy car. He stopped his car to talk to me, I hope he gives me a ride this time!

"Hi Obama!" His parents loved President Obama so much that they legally changed their only sons name to Obama.

"Do you want to come inside my comfy and dry car?" Obama smirked at me and I smiled at him with gratitude. See, he isn't as bad as people say.

"Yeah, it's really wet and c-cold out here." I stuttered out while making my way to his warm car. I could already feel the warmth that his car was emitting.

"Too fucking bad you dumb bitch." With that, Obama speed off while simultaneously splashing a wave of cold rain water onto my already wet clothes. Oh, why does he always play jokes on me like this? I love him so fucking much.

+ + + +

"Why are you so wet? Here, have my jacket to keep you warm. You look beautiful even if you look like a drowned puppy." My friend Jake said as he set his jacket onto my shoulders, which made me instantly warm.

Jake was a guy with blue eyes and dirty blond hair. Every time he smiled a choir showed up and harmonized. Jake never hired them, they simply showed up when he first smiled and they oddly never aged at all.  I knew Jake as long as I knew Obama. I guess you could call us childhood friends. Jake was always there for me and he always gave me gifts like puppies and gold chains. One time, I said that I wanted a unicorn and Jake found one and gave it to me on my tenth birthday. Sadly, Obama was in a phase where he praised the Dark Lord Satan. Obama killed the unicorn and sacrificed it's blood to his Dark Lord. Obama is still in his 'Hail Satan' phase.

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