Chapter 21-Reality & The Funeral

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I felt a cold drip of water fall down my face, like someone was holding and ice pack to my head.

I wasn't in the school parking lot anymore. I was on my bed at home.

Someone was,


"What happened?" I asked my boyfriend.

"You passed out when you heard the news," He choked out sadly, with red puffy eyes.

The news...

Oh my god. I remember. My Dad, he's gone, fucking gone. Forever.

I broke down in sobs, Kameron clutched onto me, rubbing my back, soothing me.

"I know, babe, I know," he whispered, trying to calm me down.

Another sob wretched through my body.

Kameron cooed soothing words in my ear as he rocked me back and forth. I sobbed into his chest. My dad was my rock. How would I go on without him?

Then I thought about my mom. Oh god she must be in worse shape than I am.

I had to go see her

"Mom.." I mumbled into his chest.

"What, baby?" He asked.

I noticed he was crying just as bad as he was.

"Where's my mom?" I questioned, looking up at him with puffy eyes.

He sighed.

"She's making funeral plans already, trying to distract herself from the greif, I guess," He concluded.

I stood up, getting out from Kameron's embrace.

"Take me to go see her,"


Funerals were a bitch to plan. We made arrangements for the funeral to be 4 days later at our church. We sent out the information to everyone who we wanted to invite.

The next few days were full of sobbing and breaking things. A lot of Kameron holding me back from slicing my skin open. Him begging me to stay strong.

"LET ME GO KAMERON!" I screamed at him as I reached for my blade.
He grabbed my wrists, "God dammit Brittany, fucking stop! Stop for me please," He begged. I stopped and became a crying mess. He cried with me on the bathroom floor.

We were all a mess.


Sooner than later, the funeral came.

Kameron came over that morning, dressed in all black. He helped me get out of bed because honestly, I didn't have the energy. He helped me get dressed. Not in an intimate way, more of a I love you let me help you way.

He kissed me constantly. Just to remind me I was still alive.

I rode with my mom while he rode with his parents. We met at the church for the service.

I held his hand the entire time. People were walking in and greeting us, giving us apologies and condolences.

It was a turn out of about 90 people.

Everybody loved my dad. There were people from his work, family from out of state, all kinds of people.

I ran my eyes over the crowd for one person, my Aunt Jenny. I saw her in the corner and our eyes locked.

"I'll be right back Kam," I said, releasing his hand. He nodded and spoke,

"Hey baby?"

I glanced back at him.

"I love you," he said.

I smiled, "I love you too."


By the time I made it over to my Aunt Jenny, I could tell she was ready to give me a pep talk.

She opened her arms for a hug and I took her embrace. She smelled like daisies and cake.

"I know this is hard," she said, pulling away from our hug.

"But you've got to stay strong for your mom. She needs someone to fall back on. She just lost the love of her life," She concluded. I nodded.

"You've got that boyfriend of yours, yeah?" she questioned, nodding her head in the general direction of Kameron.

"Yes," I said.

"First, good choice, he's adorable," I giggled for the first time in a while. "Second, you've got him to fall back on when you need it. You've got to stay strong around your mom. Please, for me, " she spoke in a somewhat hushed voice.

"I will."

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