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["Polaroid of you dancing in my room.

I want to remember.

I think it was about noon...

It's getting harder to understand, to understand,

How you felt in my hands, in my hands."]



I was sitting with Uraraka, Todoroki, and Midoriya.

We were huddled around Midoriya's desk.

Aizawa-Sensei let us have a free period.

"Sensei," Uraraka turned around, she looked at Aizawa-Sensei, who was sitting at his desk, looking through papers. "Where's Y/N?"

"He's talking with Principal Nezu."

"For what?"

"He came to me last night and said he wanted to serve his prison sentence."

"W-what? Why?"

"Someone called him a villain-"

"Why would someone say that? Y/N hates villains! I mean, last month, he took me to the mall and he paid back a fast food place he stole from earlier this year! He paid 4 times the actual cost of the food, too!"

"I don't know. I know for sure L/N has a very different few than most people, he knows there is always a cause to an effect, and that villains and heroes are two sides of the same coin... But for him to want to serve his sentence rather than go to a school for a few years, it's odd... Whoever called him a villain must've said some really horrible stuff to him, or meant a lot to him, for him to want to throw so much of his life away and rot in prison..."

I scoffed. "But it's the truth..."

"Iida?" Midoriya looked at me.

"He committed arson and assault, and endangered the lives of many people, just because his boyfriend was shot by a police officer. He went on and on about how it was an abuse of power and it was the wrong thing to do. But his boyfriend could've just not fought in illegal quirk fighting rings, he could've just not committed crimes. He told me that he's looked down on more than me because of our titles. 'He, a criminal, committed arson. And I, a hero, attempted murder. We had the same reason, to avenge our loved ones.' But my action was justified... I did the right thing. That damn pest could've just realized that the police officer did the right thing... A crime is a crime, motive doesn't matter."

"This happened when? When his boyfriend died?"

"A year ago."

"Oh... oh no..."

"Sensei?" Uraraka cocked her head to the side and watched as Aizawa-Sensei stood there, a bit shocked looking.

"Iida, you'll be seeing me during lunch today, okay?" He stepped towards the door. "Yaoyorozu, you'll be in charge, I'll be back momentarily."

Then he left.


[L/N Y/N]

"And what did Iida say?" Nezu asked me.

"He went on about how I-" I was cut off by the door opening.

"Hey, disregard L/N's request to carry out his sentence please, we won't be losing a student anytime soon to someone else's black-and-white point of view."

"Aizawa? Why do you say that?"

"I know what's best for my students." He looked at me. "L/N, come with me."

"Okay, sir..." I chuckled. He cares a lot, but doesn't show it. 

When we were walking back to class, he stopped walking.

"L/N, when you graduate, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Depends on how the next few year pan out."

"I don't care if you become a villain, or a hero, or stay a civilian... I just don't want you directly throwing your life away."

"That's funny, aren't heroes supposed to coax others towards their side?"

"I don't know. But I just don't want you to rot in jail."


"Come meet me in my classroom during lunch, I'm going to be speaking to Iida. But don't come in until I tell you to. Just stay near the door."


"When you get in the classroom, in just a few seconds, tell me if you need a breather or anything."

"Don't worry, I can handle them."





I was pulled into a hug (with a few of the Dekusquad).

I laughed. "You guys are the lamest people I've ever met."

"Too bad!"

Tenya was at his desk, reading a book.


I felt a bit better.

Classes and friends were good distractions.

Lunch sucked.

I ate my food outside Aizawa's class.

"Okay, you can come in." Aizawa said as he walked out of the class, probably to give us some privacy.

When I walked in, Tenya looked like shit.

Aizawa probably poured Tenya's entire psyche and moral compass onto the table and stabbed it.

"Y/N," He avoided my gaze. "I'm sorry."


"Calling you a villain, disregarding the biggest part of any action- the cause, making you feel terrible, everything really."

"Prove it."


"I'll give you a second chance, so you'll just have to prove it to me."


"Now get off your ass, we're getting lunch."


I wanted to punch a wall or something.

But I'm not going to.



When I was younger, my parents, when they were around, always made me prove myself. 

They wouldn't cook me food unless I could show them I could cook. 

I had to learn how to do things for my self, they weren't going to let me out into the world if I couldn't do things for my self, so I had to learn how to do things, there was no 'Dad, can you give me a hand?'. That was their parenting style, and I'm grateful for it.

That's why I never accept apologies, you have to show me you're sorry.

Because calling me a villain is a bunch of bull...I'm going to be an awesome hero, one that saves people without hurting anyone else. 

_words; 952

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