29 - Peace Maker

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"We're not giving them Finn. They'll kill him!" Clarke said as I leaned back in the my chair.

"I know that. I know, but it's that or we go to war." Bellamy sighed.

"There has to be another way. There's always another way," Clarke argued.

"Tell that to the army outside," he muttered.

The grounder warriors outside had started a chant shortly after we came back from the dropship. There was no way Finn was getting out of this alive, and frankly I didn't care.

"Jus drein jus daun! Just drein jus daun!" The chanting only grew louder the longer we waited.

"I can't even think with that noise!" Clarke screamed as she slammed the door shut.

Bellamy and I both looked at each other. She was on the verge of breaking down.

"Just drein jus daun. Jus drein jus daun." I whispered along with the chant.

Clarke turned around, staring at me. She was getting angrier.

"Do you have something you want to say, Mira?" She snapped.

"Blood must have blood." I shrugged. "I think it's kind of fair."

"How can you say that?!" She yelled. "He doesn't deserve to die!"

"Yes. He does. He slaughtered a village of innocent people, Clarke. I know you love him but he's a murderer," I sighed, trying not to get mad at her.

"So killing more people will make up for it?" She ignored the love comment.

"He killed 19 of their people... They only want him. It's that or war and even more people die," Bellamy stepped in.

"You know your brother is a murderer, too." Clarke muttered.

"My brother killed our people," I smiled sarcastically. "That was an Ark matter and he was pardoned. I'm not saying it wasn't awful but at least he had a reason, okay? Finn shot a kid and then got trigger happy. He deserves to die."

"Why can't this be an Ark matter, too?" Clarke asked, coming down from her outburst. "He's still a citizen right? It should be his own people."

"The difference is it isn't our people who need justice from him," I said softly. "Besides, the Ark will kill him, too. They were going to float Octavia for being born, and Wells for messing up a stupid tree. We can't go to war, Clarke and I know you know that."

She finally let out a sob she had been holding back, "But at least it'll be quick."

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked.

"I know he has to die but if we give him to the grounders then he'll be tortured. Death by a Thousand Cuts: Cut, burned, hands cut off." She cried.

I looked at Bellamy as she hid her face in her hands. She didn't want him to die even though she knew he had to. I knew what it felt like. I let my brother go after he was going to watch me hang. I nodded to him, telling him it was his call.

"We'll move him out," Bellamy said. "We'll hide out and send him off on his own terms and then it's out of everyone's hands. If we can't find Finn then it isn't our responsibility. If it all works out then he'll be long gone before they set off to find him."

She took a few deep breaths. "Okay, yeah. I'll go get him and a few others. Can you guys find a way to sneak out?"

"Already covered," I nodded.


"I'm not even going to ask how much trouble you're going to get in for this," I shook my head as Tyler led us out the back of the Camp in his new guard jacket.

Mira Murphy (b.b.) // The 100Where stories live. Discover now