DoD Truth or Dare/ Kiss, marry, punch/ Would you rather

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*Tsunami gets shoved into a dark room with Sunny and Riptide. She looks with confusion. Then Clay gets shoved in, then Glory, then Deathbringer, then starflight, and then Fatespeaker.*

Tsunami: What are we doing here? 

Glory, Sunny, Clay, and Deathbringer: Because of revenge. 

Fatespeaker: WHAT! What did we do? 

Sunny: Nothing, it's what me, Glory, Clay, and Deathbringer did. 

JW: Because you all did an amazing time hosting this game we thought we would d the same. So, you play truth or dare, Kiss marry punch, and would you rather. 

Sunny: let's play truth or dare first. 

Clay: Glory truth or dare? 

Glory: Truth. 

Clay: Do you eat chickens anymore? 

Glory: no. Um, Riptide, truth or dare? 

Riptide: Dare. 

Glory: I dare you to kiss Tsunami's cheek. 

*Riptide did happily* 

Riptide: Tsunami truth or dare? 

Tsunami: Dare. 

Riptide: I dare you to tell Peril that her and Clay do well together. 

Tsunami: You and Clay make a wonderful couple! 

Peril: Oh I know! 

Tsunami: Deathbringer truth or dare? 

Deathbringer: Dare. 

Tsunami: I dare you to kiss Glory. 

*Deathbringer does and Glory turns pink* 

Deathbringer: Truth or dare Starflight ?

Starflight: truth, 

Deathbringer: Do you ever miss your sight? 

Starflight: yes so I can see Fatespeaker's beautiful face. 

Fatespeaker: Awwww

Starflight: Sunny, Truth or dare? 

Sunny: Truth

Starflight: have you ever not stopped smiling? 

Sunny: When Clay almost died. 

Peril: I thought I would have to die myself if Clay died. 

Sunny: Fatespeaker truth or dare?

 Fatespeaker: dare. 

Sunny: I dare you to say you love starflight to the whole world. 

Fatespeaker: I LOVE STARFLIGHT OF THE DRAGONETS OF DESTINY!!!! Clay truth or dare? 

Clay: Dare. 

Fatespeaker: I dare you to kiss Peril. *Peril pops out of nowhere. They kissed like last time* 

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