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At Arthi's Apartment....

"You deserve it" Knot rubs his face in irritation as he spoke.

Knot was on his way to home when he received a call from Arthit, Arthit was sobbing as he tried to speak.

Knot was scared to death and rushed to Arthit's place in a hurry. When he reached his home, Knot found the whole place messed up like storm hit it.

Arthit was sitting in corner while his face was hidden behind his hands, Knot slowly walks near Arthit and whispers 


Arthit looks up at Knot, Arthit's eyes look lifeless as he stares at Knot. His face was stained by tears, Arthit tried to smile but ended up crying instead.

"Arthit!!" Knot grabs Arthit's shoulder and looks at him in concern 

"Everything is over...I messed it... I messed it up" Arthit kept repeating, Knot was hugging Arthit tightly as later kept sobbing.

"It's all your fault! Stop being a coward!" Knot said in anger


"But what! P'Dawn is already married! If she can't talk to her husband and handle the matter like an adult then it's her own problem" Knot told Arthit.

Year after graduation, Arthit told everything to Knot but by that time he already lost Bright, Prem and Toota because they blamed him for hurting Kongpop.

Bright, who knew everything, told others one day in anger when everyone in their gang was scowling at Kongpop for being shameless to chase Arthit.

Even at that time, Arthit kept quiet and didn't tell them the truth.

"Eon..." Arthit whispers sadly 

"Arthit, I'm telling you. Go back to Kongpop! He's your happiness, stop being a dump or I swear one day you will watch Kongpop getting married to someone right in front of your eyes......" 

Arthit closes his ears as he hides his face in his hands because it was too painful for him to even think of it.

".......... you will regret it that just a little bit of courage and maybe you would have been in the place of that person! Arthit don't do anything which will make you regret it for your whole life" Knot warns Arthit.

"I can't...." Arthit whispers, Knot was fuming now.

"You know what? Maybe P'Dawn was the reason this all happened but in reality! You're the only one to be blamed because you're scared to face the world! You are scared of being judged aren't you?" Knot shook Arthit's shoulder in anger because he can't believe Arthit was giving up so easily.

"You know What Arthit? Kongpop is better without you! He doesn't need some who can't stand with him and fight for their love! You disappointed me Arthit!" Knot whispers as pushed Arthit away

"That's not true!" 

"Really? Then what is it?" Knot asked

"I..." Arthit looks down feeling ashamed 

"Tell me!" Knot shouted in anger

"No! It's not true! I'm not ashamed of loving Kongpop!" Arthit shouts back

"Then What is it?" 

"I'm scared! I'm scared that if we are together again then everyone will separate us! I can't handle that pain again! I'm not strong enough for it!" Arthit cries 

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