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The Wedding

It was Morning five am when Type went to Tine's room to get him as they needed to leave for the destination. When he saw Tine still in the balcony, he didn't know what to feel

Last night he left as Tine promised that he would go to sleep soon, Type went next to Tine and gently shook him. After few seconds Tine wakes up and looks at Type in confusion

"Did Sarawat come?" Tine asked looking at Type hopefully. Type looks at Tine carefully, he doesn't know why but Type felt like there was something Tine hiding from them

"Tine...... do you still love Sarawat?" Type asked looking into Tine's eyes

"I never stopped loving him Type" Tine replies sadly

"Tine, you're getting married today" Type said angrily

If anyone was against Tine being with Sarawat the most it was Type, he realised long back that what Sarawat and Tine have for each other was not usually friends have for each other.

It's not that he was against them loving each other but he hated how their parents would allow them for anything they want.

Many time he fought with his dad about it but his dad ignored him each time saying Type shouldn't interfere between elders business

"Tine, if Sarawat come and ask you to go with him.... what would you do?" Type asked as he glares Tine

"I don't know...." Tine replies

"What the fuck Tine! I thought you were over him!" Type shouted making Tine startled

"Tine, listen to me! Today is your marriage, for god's sake don't ruin it for Sarawat" Type begs Tine as he held his shoulder tightly

Type was literally freaking out, till yesterday night Tine was totally fine and now he was acting his sixteen year old self again.

"What's happening?" Tanai asked as he came looking for the both boys, he was startled when he saw Tine crying

"Tine?" Tanai rushed to Tine side and hugs him.

"Baby bunny what happened?" Tanai asked softly as he rubs Tine's back

Tine silently cries while Type rubs his head which starts to ache. "He's just feeling emotional Phee, nothing else" Type replies as he looks at Tine.

"Oh.. okay, then get fresh. We will leave in half an hour" Tanai told both boys.

"I shall go and take a bath" Tine whispers as he wipes his tears and stands up.

They watch Tine grabbing the towel and going into the washroom, Type looks at Tine in worry and goes back to his own room with Tanai following him.

Once he finished showering, Tine sat on the bed and looked at his room sadly. He picked a small bag and started putting his passport and Visa card.

Tine was about to close the cupboard when he saw the pick bracelet which Sarawat gave him during college. He started sobbing again as he clutched the bracelet

For him, the most painful thing about leaving was not able to see Sarawat anymore. He believed that at least Sarawat would come to see him for the last time before the marriage but he didn't.

For others he might look like someone who enjoys the pain but it's not true, he just wants Sarawat to love him back. Tine knew Sarawat better than anyone, every time he said 'I Love you' it was just to please him

He didn't feel anything when he said those words and now Tine didn't know what he wanted more, Sarawat loving him or them returning back as they were before this whole mess started.

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