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Let me serve you more Drama........... Hope you aren't tired already


Sarawat puts Tine's hand on his shoulder and wraps his arm around Tine's waist
"I missed you..." Sarawat whispers in Tine's ear

"Why miss me? We always see other in company" Tine replies bluntly making Sarawat sighs

They danced slowly on the music, ignoring others who were watching them and gossiping.

"Tine.....Please don't leave me...." Sarawat said sadly

Tine was frozen, he clutches Sarawat's shoulder and looks directly into Sarawat's eyes, for him these words sounds meaningless

"I didn't leave Sarawat...... You let me go... Why now?" Tine replies with a painful smile.

Sarawat twirls Tine and then pulls him closer, he smiles sadly and whispers "I became selfish, I took you for granted but I forgot you have feelings too"

They stared into each other's eyes, Sarawat eyes were full of mixed emotions. There was sadness, regret, love, sorrow and it was making Tine's knee weak

He clings on to Sarawat for support as he feels like he might fall. It was hard, hard for him to move on and forget about Sarawat.

Ever since he met Sarawat he only loved him, he gave his heart, soul and body to Sarawat but in the end Sarawat toss him aside

"Tine..." Sarawat whispers when noticed tear falling from Tine's eyes, Tine quickly wipes his tears and replies

"We are just friends, Sarawat.... friends for benefit," Tine said with a cracked voice.

Sarawat became tensed, he so badly wanted to explain himself but he didn't know how to start.

"Tine, I'm sorry for what happened in the past..." "Sarawat, you can't change your past nor you can forget it easily"

Both stood in the middle of the floor, looking at each. One looked miserable and the other was trying to act strong even though he was broken inside.

"Excuse me, let me cut in" Kongpop pulls Tine away, leaving Sarawat with emptiness.

"P'Kong..." Tine said sadly, Kong smiles and moves slowly.

They kept dancing without exchanging a single word, Tine was still upset and Kongpop didn't know how to cheer him.

"Oi! Bunny! smile, just to make you smile I took huge risk" Kongpop said dramatically making Tine look at him in curiosity

"What risk?" Tine asked in confusion, he looks towards their parents but found them busy talking with their friends

"Your Brother-In-Law is turning red with jealousy" Kongpop tilts his head to point towards Arthit.

Arthit appears calm but his eyes are burning with jealousy, he ignores the people who try to chat with him and watches them instead.

"Phee... don't give up on P'Arthit no matter what happens okay?" Tine told Kongpop who smiles and nods his head

"I won't, he will be mine by hook or crook" Kongpop smirks, making Tine chuckle.

Arthit knew there was nothing between Tine and Kongpop but he still couldn't help himself from feeling jealous of seeing them together .

Arthit so badly wanted to there and replace himself with Tine but until he solve the matter with his sister, he won't give Kongpop any hope

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