2- Ella

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I just finished lunch and I got a text from Natasha, it's been like two weeks since we started texting and everything is alright. I'll answer her.

N- hey how are you?
A- hey I'm good, pretty much nothing to do as usual 😂 What about you?
N- same for me haha. But I thought about this and do you want to go on video call?
A- sure but aren't you scared your dad will catch you?
N- Not really if I stay in my room. So do you want to??
A- Yeah let's go.

Two seconds later she calls me and I pick up.

N- See don't you think it's better that way? Now I got to see your face and you're beautiful.
A- haha thank you you look amazing too.

We started talking about like vacations for a bit but suddenly I heard a door closing through my phone.

Natasha's POV

Ella just walked in my room crying. I put my phone down and look at her.

N- Why are you crying? Come here
Ella- It's that girl Amy, she's still mean with me, idk what to do...
N- Tell me what did she do again?
Ella- She threw my lunch in the trash..

I see on the side of the bed my phone is still on FaceTime maybe I should turn it off. I look at Ella and tell her to just wait a second.

Ella- What's happening?
N- I was on FaceTime with Alice let met 2 seconds to say bye.
Ella- Maybe she can help me, you said she was nice...
N- I guess. Do you want to girl?
A- Sure I guess I'll try
N- Alright tell us all
Ella- ok I putted my lunch in the microwave and then I walked away but when I turned around I saw her with my lunch and when I went to tell her she said she didn't realized and threw it in the closest trash...
N- But you had money right?
Ella- No... but don't worry Emme gave me something
A- Did you talked about it to someone like a teacher or your parents
Ella- No I don't want to tell daddy or he will think I'm the weak of the family
N- No if you tell you will look like the strongest cause you had the guts to tell you were bullied.
A- She's right telling doesn't makes you weak alright I'm sure you can pass trough this but it's just going to be over sooner if you ask for help.
N- And if you want I can come with you.
Ella- Okay okay thank you girls so much I'll do it tonight but only if you come with me Tashi.
N- Sure just tell me when you're ready

She looks at me shakes her head for a yes and she leaves my room.

N- Thank you for your help
A- No problem really it's really horrible for her to live that...
N- yeah but it's definitely time to end it.
A- Anyway I have to go now but tell me what happened.
N- I will bye

I hang up and go to Ella's room I want to make sure she's alright even though she told me she is I can sense when something's wrong with her. I really wish everything's gonna be okay for her.

Thanks so much for reading hope you like it.

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