5- The show

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Tomorrow is the show and I just can't wait it's going to be amazing and probably the best day of my life. Natasha just send me a picture of her at the airport saying finally arrived in Montreal. We are supposed to talk later tonight to make sure everything's okay with our plan.

1 hour later she calls

N- Hey ready for tomorrow?
A- I'm so excited!
N- Okay but can we just review the plan?
A- Yeah
N- So when you'll go to the ticket office, you show your vip card and they're going to bring you in a corridor where me and my dad will wait for you and then we'll go in the crowd watch the show.
I see Emme's face pop up on the screen
Emme- And then you'll come backstage to see us
A- Provably the best parts of the night haha
N- Not even to see me I'm disappointed of you seriously
We all start laughing
Ella- Girls it's time to go eat what are you doing?
N- okay I have to go but see you tomorrow.
A- bye girls
Emme- bye

I hang up and I try to prepare myself mentally cause first I don't want to have a heart attack or to cry when I'll see Jen and I know that Alex didn't really liked me at first so I'm kinda scared of that...

Next day

I can't believe it I just passed the line and now they are bringing me to Natasha and Alex. The moment we had an eye contact she just ran at me and hugged me.

N- Hey so you're a real person not just a video.
A- Hey I guess I am haha
N- So how are you and I love your outfit by the way.
A- Thank you I love your style too and I'm stressed as fuck I just can't believe it.
N- Don't worry everybody's cool, well Ella is a bit crazy but I guess you already got a taste haha
Alex- Hi nice to meet you
A- Hi nice to meet you too
Alex- I think we should get going if you want to have the best place.
N- Alright let's go

We started walking and we got a place pretty close to the stage, it was kinda easy to go through the crowd cause people were just stepping away for Alex. Then the show started and Jen was so gorgeous it was better than I imagined and I thought I was going to pass out when I had an eye contact with her.

N- I think Emme's part is about to start.
A- She's singing?
N- Yeah Jen asked her if she wanted to and she said yes
A- What is she singing?
N- I think let's get loud like at the Super Bowl.
A- Oh that's gonna be good she's so cute and I love her voice.
N- I know I guess it's obvious that her parents are singers haha

Then we just watched the rest of the show. Emme and Jen's vocals together are so good and I have to say that I never thought it would be that easy with Natasha, I mean it's not weird at all but it's better like that.

The show just ended

Alex- Ok now just follow me and stay close.

We started walking in direction of the backstage passing in all these secret corridors. But then we stopped facing a door written Jennifer Lopez on it and we were about to open it.

N- You ready? Everything's gonna be fine okay. Don't worry

Then Alex opened the door and we walked in. She was facing Max, Emme and Ella. She turns now facing us.

Jen- Hey papi, hey Tashi and hi you must be Tashi's friend, Alice am I right?
A- Hi yeah that's my name, I'm sorry I just can't believe it.
Jen- Was the show good?
A- It was the best show I ever went
N- So good and btw you just killed it Emme!
Emme- Thanks Tashi I was so nervous but I think it went well.
Jen- You were perfect lulu.

The rest of the night was amazing. I got to talk to everybody and the most important I got to tell Jen how much she means to me. We all went back on the stage and we putted music on. Jennifer showed us some moves and we were all dancing and I have to say that watching Alex dancing was pretty entertaining haha. We made a couple of TikToks and Natasha posted some of them on her account and some on her private instagram. When Ella changed the music and putted Feeling so good we pretty much all started singing and Jennifer and Emme's voices were covering our bad notes. It was getting late and I would have to leave soon so I asked Natasha for tomorrow.

A- Can we still see each other tomorrow?
N- Yeah I convinced my dad and you can say thanks to Jen cause she helped me with that too haha
A- I didn't know that Alex was that strict anyway when are you free?
N- Since they wanted to go visit a bit during the day it would be more like around 17:00.
A- What do you think if we meet in the old city it's beautiful we could go walk and go eat somewhere?
N- That seems like a pretty good idea
A- It's just us right?
N- Yeah although it wouldn't have bothered me if like Ella, Max and Emme were coming but I'm kinda glad my dad isn't coming haha
A- Sure haha. Oh my mom just texted me she's outside I have to go So tomorrow just meet me in front of the science center in the old port at 17:00
N- Alright see you tomorrow

After saying bye to everybody I went outside to search for my mom and she started to asking me a million of questions the minute I opened the door. She asked me if everybody was sweet and I got to say what a stupid question cause of course they are all sweet. Now I just have to wait until tomorrow to see Natasha again it's gonna be awesome since tonight I felt like we knew each other forever it's kinda weird I guess.

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked it and I'll try to update more

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