12- Decision

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The moment I hang up I was already running in the kitchen to find my parents cause I just can't wait to know if I'll go to Natasha's New Years party. That's so big and since it's like her birthday present I don't want to disappoint her... even though I think I'll be hard to convince my parents cause they are about celebrating with family so yeah. After explaining everything to them they said they were going to think about it. God I hate when they're doing that cause usually it's no after so anyway, I'll let Tashi know how it's going so far. I text her.

A- For now it's not working I'll probably need your help
N- Really? Did you talked about everything?
A- Yeah I explained all your plan
N- But what did they said?
A- They said that they were going to think about it so yeah
N- Oh okay well maybe they will say yes but don't forget to call me if it doesn't work
A- Yeah sure I'll do anything for it to work
N- Yesss so yeah call me tomorrow cause tonight's my party so I won't really answer
A- Alright go party haha
N- Yeah I will

Next day

First thing I did this morning was go check on my parents decision cause this just has to work. Anyway the moment I asked them they said that after "long" reflection it was no because it was a lot of trouble and preparation for a couple of days. Damn really? Okay I still have Natasha's plan I'll text her right now. Good she's online.

A- Bad news Tashi
N- It's still no...
A- Yeah so I'm always ready for your plan
N- Good but I think we'll have to wait a little, my dad just woke up and Jennifer's still sleeping
A- Oh okay well how was your party?
N- One of the best I ever had it was so cool. We putted music and we danced pretty much all night.
A- Sounds fun. Got any interesting things?
N- Yeah but it was pretty much all gift cards for my favourite places and I got like and ice cream maker idk what's it called haha
A- Oh yeah that's some good stuff
N- Yeah even though I think Ella and Emme will make more ice cream that I'll will
A- Well when they are making some you can eat it so like that you don't have to work too hard haha
N- Ohhhh that's an idea haha and just so you know my dad asked me if we needed his help and since I said yes he went to get Jen.
A- Wasn't she sleeping?
N- Yeah but I think she's in the shower. Poor her you wake up, go in the shower and someone comes saying hurry up we have to convince people today haha
A- Why are you always writing the longest texts I'm exhausted just reading you haha
N- Sorry but that's who I am and you can't change me baby
A- Okay now what was that? Are you ok haha
N- Idk but anyway I'm calling you cause they are ready to talk
A- Good

Transfer on video chat

Alex- Hi so like that you can't come spend some time here
A- Looks like I can't and thank you guys so much for helping
Jen- No problem you're such a sweet girl so if Tashi wants you to come we'll do what we can
A- You guys are the best thanks again
N- Okay but now go get you parents come on
A- Yeah Yeah one sec

I walk in the kitchen telling my parents that someone wants to talk to them. They were surprised to see Jennifer and Alex on the screen but of course they accepted to talk to them. I wanted to stay but when my dad heard Alex asking Natasha to go he did the same with me. Even if I wanted i couldn't hear anything and it seemed like the longest wait ever. After like half an hour they said I could come back and I immediately asked for their answer and they said that even though it was a lot they are saying yes and my grandparents already accepted to have us for Christmas anyway. I thought I was going to cry. I kinda wonder what did Jen and Alex said to convince them... anyway not the time to think but the time to call Natasha to tell her!! She picks up.

N- What's their answer????
A- I'm coming to partyyyyyy!!!
N- Yesssss
A- I'm sooo exited from now on I won't sleep haha
N- Me neither December 29 is too far
A- Way too far but did you heard what they were talking about??
N- No my dad didn't let me listen... I was kinda mad cause I wanted to know
A- Yeah me too I wanted to know what changed their minds but looks like I won't...
N- Well who cares about that you're coming and it's all that matters
A- Yes! When I think about it it just doesn't feel real
N- But guess what? It is!! And that party is going to be crazy
A- Crazy and the best
N- Oh yeah

We talked until she had to go and I have to say that every day since we started talking is always getting better and better.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. 💗💗

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