21- Plane

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Today is finally the day, after 3 months of waiting I'm finally flying to Italy for the wedding. I'm waiting at the airport with my parents, Alex is supposed to come get me in a few minutes. I'm excited and also stressed cause I'll have to take the plane alone for returning home and that's a thing I never done but it should be okay. Oh I see Alex coming in our direction. He talks a little with my parents, I tell them goodbye and we start walking away.

Alex- So are you ready?
A- Yesss
Alex- Have you ever been on a plane before?
A- Yeah haha but not on a private jet
Alex- Well we're glad to have you with us to the wedding
A- No but thank you so much for inviting me and doing all of this
Alex- You should thank the girls they really insisted and they are also really excited to see you haha
A- I'm excited to see them too it's been so long

We arrived outside and when we were close the the jet I saw Natasha getting out coming towards us.

A- Heyyyy Tashi
N- Heyyy
Alex- Natasha I told you to stay inside
N- Jennifer said I can
Alex- Hum Okay then

I get closer to her and whisper so Alex won't understand.

A- Don't make them fight haha
N- No I won't haha

We get inside, I say hi to everybody, put my luggage away and sit down so the jet could take off.

Ella- So you are ready for the best trip of your life
A- Yes haha
N- I'm happy you're staying with us after
Ella- Oh yeah that's gonna be fun
Emme- The only thing I'm scared about is the jet lag I don't want to be sleeping everywhere haha
N- Yeah and we saw what it did to Ella last time...
Ella- Tashi!!

We all started laughing, well except Ella... even Max looked at us with a smile on his face.

Ella- How are you laughing?
A- Me?
Ella- Yeah you, you don't even know what happened
Ella- Natasha...you told her?
N- It's not even bad Ella it was just cute
Emme- Yeah you did nothing bad
Ella- I was jet lag...
N- See you got the joke now haha
Ella- Stupid haha

We spent the rest of the flight talking about random things. When we arrived we took cabs to get to the hotel, checked in and went to our rooms.

N-Here's your key
A- Thanks I'll try not to loose it haha
N- That would be great haha
A- So here's our room
N- Yeah wanna open it?
A- Okay
N- Damn it's beautiful
A- I know look at the view
N- I'll check later
A- What?
N- Shotgun!!

She runs and jumps on the bed close the the window.

A- You know that these beds are the exact same?
N- Yeah but if a killer comes in the room and he has the time to kill one person he's gonna kill you cause you are closer to the door
A- I think it's the worst excuse I ever heard in my life haha
N- Oh yeah well let's see who's laughing when you're gonna be dead haha
A- Alright evil Natasha haha
N- Oh text from the group chat
A- Which one?
N- Family group chat
A- Oh who is it?
N- My dad. He says we can do what we want but we have to be in the hotel lobby at 7 pm so we can go eat
A- What time is it?
N- 6 so we have one hour
A- What do you want to do?
N- Unpacking is boring we'll do it later come with me

She gets out of the room so I follow her making sure I have the key at the same time cause I'm sure she doesn't have it.

A- What are we doing now?
N- Visiting the hotel

She starts running in the hall until she got close the the stairs and when I thought she was finished, no she made me run down 2 floors.

A- Omg stop! You said we were gonna visit the hotel or running in the hotel haha
N- I just needed to move a little I mean we were sitting pretty much all day haha
A- Well look the gym is just there what a coincidence haha
N- Ohhh yeah but I don't care about the gym I want to see the pool and the ice machine
A- Wait did you actually said you wanted to go see the ice machine haha
N- It's hot in here I just want an ice cube
A- Oh okay...if you want haha

30 mins later

A- Okay I think we saw pretty much everything in the hotel what do you want to do now?
N- I don't know but we have 20 mins
A- We can go outside
N- Yeah good idea
A- And there I'll let you run where you want haha
N- Thanks mom haha

We hung out outside until 7 pm, then we went in the lobby waiting for everybody else. We walked to a restaurant Jennifer and Alex found. After eating we took a little walk around just to visit and then we came back to the hotel.

Jen- Good night guys try to sleep
Alex- Yeah cause we're gonna need energy for the next days
Max- Good night
Ella- See you tomorrow
A- Good night guys

Natasha opened the door for us and went directly on her bed.

A- Tired?
N- Not really
A- Yeah me neither
N- What do you want to do then?
A- Just unpack my things
N- Good idea

We unpacked and a little after we went to bed trying to sleep.

Thank you for still being reading the story. This is the last chapter I'm gonna be posting for a while cause I'm going somewhere without wifi for a few days soon, but I'll have time to think about ideas for the next chapters. I'll try to don't make them to boring :)
Anyway I hope you liked it ❤️

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